MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons 2 (1994) Discussion > I need a christian reveiwer to tell me h...

I need a christian reveiwer to tell me how bad the it is for a christian

I want a review from a christian point of view



like does it have any blasphemy?



like does the nun look like a fool in the movie.(is she the clown of the film?)


Sounds like a religious movie to me


I'm a Christian and the movie is just a like a regular horror film. The nun does mention that her faith will help her survive.... Which is does. It has it's religious aspects.


In most horror movies regarding unholy monsters, faith always helps destroy the monsters, hence those movies, though some would disagree, are pretty good at reinforcing Christian belief that monsters fail against God's power. It's funny, cause a lot of Christians condemn horror, but horror is probably one of the most CHRISTIAN genres of film simply because of the "good vs evil" aspects and the praising of the "virgin heroine" who survives while the sinners, with their booze and sex and drugs, all are killed. ^_^

But, as the TC wants, I'll give my go at a short review of the Christian themes. I'll first note, I originally heard that someone asked the dirctor about his presentation of Christianity in this horror movie, especially that of the nun. His answer was that though the teenagers were mocking her and were overly rebellious, in the end, it was her strictness helped them in the end. And I fully agree. In this movie, the group of snooty teenage girls mock Sister Gloria for being too strict and serious. Father Bob also feels Sister Gloria is more "old school" when it comes to discipline. Her disipline and un-yielding faith comes in handing in the final battles against Angela. So yes, spoilers aside, Sister Gloria contends against the forces of evil, being of sound mind and strong faith, sees through deception and is one of the greatest forces to fight against Angela herself. So yeah, I wouldn't say she's made to look like a fool. If anything, she's very heroic.


The horror genre is also very pro feminist. Otherwise how is it that the seemingly unstoppable killer/zombie/inbred hick twin killers are always outwitted by the seemingly shy girl who undergoes a transformation that would have Rambo running for the hills?

"What's the fastest way to kill a slasher flick? Slap it with a PG-13."


Amazing how fundamentalist christians have to have everything filtered to fit their narrow little point of view, lest they should see something that might shake their faith in their silly little superstition.
There's a whole christian film industry out there producing tons of tripe for the likes of you. Don't bother with mainstream movies, you'll get all upset and wet yourself.


Ba hahahaha!! well said mumpy!!! It's just a movie, and it in now way puts down Christianity. It does have some violence, blood, breasts (fantastic ones), and if all that is going to offend you, don't watch this film.

"Cry me a river, build a damn bridge, and make your way across."
