Favourite scene?

Got one?


At the beginning of the film when Angela massacres the couple spreading the word.


I like the scene when the Holy Mother leaves the Halloween party momentarily then Angela arrives and starts dancing on the table to that kick ass Morbid Angel song.

I am. I was.



My favorite scene is with the Demon Kurt playing basketball. "Where's a ref when you need one, technical foul!" Also, anytime Angela speaks in her demon voice..god, I love it, it needs to be used more.


Angela's dance was definitely my favorite part. That was just sweet, or else maybe the part where Christine Taylor gets holy water poured down her throat and sort of "regurgitates the evil."


Either Sister Gloria's preparation montage (drawer full of yard sticks XD) or the part with Snake-Angela, which is just an example of awesome effects in a bad movie.

Runner up to those would be the part where Perry is about to turn into a demon, which I liked for some reason. *shrug*


Did perry live or die?




The beginning and the whole thing with the priest getting killed. I liked the part in the car with Christine Taylor too.Then again I just love this movie.Doesn't beat the 1st one but it's almost up there with it.


The lipstick scene is the only one I've seen.
And it's really weird.. is the rest of the movie like that?


It depends on what you mean by "like that." If you meant that does the rest of the movie have scenes that are slightly disturbing; of course the answer is yes.

There are a few more scenes that are sexually suggestive, including: a topless sex scene; a scene with the demon Angela straddling some dude and a scene where one of the possessed girls fries her boyfriend's hand in her demonic chest that comes alive; but then the NotD series has always been about disturbing imagery just as much as in-your-face shock horror.


The decapitation was pretty cool. I likewise dug the gnarly giant Angela snake monster and the one possessed guy using his severed head as a basketball.

I write bios, therefore I am.


I liked the head in the toilet. That *beep* creeped me out when I was a kid.



Father Bob getting killed.
Johnny: "I have a confession ... I broke the 6th commandment... Thou shall not kill."
Father Bob: "Who did you kill?"
Johnny: "You." (Thought it was hilarious how Johnny said "You.")

I am your loving hate


After seeing this movie for the very first time a few days ago, I couldn't get the scene out of my head of Kurt and Johnny looking at that incredibly hot girl through their binoculars (the one that showed everything). She had an AMAZING body! Wish I knew what her name was.
