this movie is a joke right?

this has got to be the most laugable movie ever wtf ?, the funny thign si i always watch some of it when its on, the acting is terrible, the guy who plays myogi ( morito or w/e ) seems like he made this with a diff character is mind its not mr. MYOGI its so lame, the main bad guys are a joke , julies b/f looks like hes 40 years old - and the story is a so stupid, why did they make this


cause they wanted to.


I couldn't understand the first post to well. Only something about the movie being bad. I couldn't understand you reasons. Sorry.


You make me laugh! What do you think that this was a serious biography with a story line equal to “Alexander the Great?”

This movie was an easygoing light comedy without any serious message other than providing the audience with some light entertainment!

If you are so bent on seeing killer karate movies, then stick to Pai Mei.


*** this movie is a joke right?

Not as much a joke as your pathetic attempt at grammar and sentence structure.
