
In the movie, ned tells julie he called animal control or something to take the hawk away. Then julie and miyagi go to get it back. Would they actually just give her the hawk? Surely they would just keep it, and return it to the wild later themselves.



I'm not getting your meaning. Wouldn't julie be told she can't keep the hawk without a license, even just until it was better? Wouldn't animal control look after it, then release it themselves?


She would not have been given the hawk back.. that is pure hollywood. You have to be licensed by the state and the federal government to legally possess a hawk. Both I doubt Julie had. She also may have been forced to pay fines. If anything they would have had her come out to the release of the hawk after the bird was overseen by a licensed rehabber or vet to determine if the bird was even releasable with its injuries. The whole hawk thing was stupid - except for the hawk which was a beautiful captive Harris' Hawk. The fact that the hawk was shot and just had a clean bandage on the wing was stupid - it would have died from infection unless they want us to believe that Julie was a vet tech and stole med supplies. Then later in the movie she said that Angel had a broken wing - which is it? Shot or broken wing or both? Including, her being kept in an old pigeon coup would leave the hawk susceptible to diseases like coccidia and perhaps aspergilliosis which can kill hawks. Also the glove she had on was not thick enough for a supposed wild hawk - a Harris' hawk could have easily gripped through that little leather garden glove to the bone. That was a captive bred Harris' Hawk. It waas too well-mannered for a wild bird. Not only that but in the scene where Angel is 'released' you can see the silver breeding band on the hawk's ankle.

In short nothing in this film is credible when it comes to the story line of the hawk. (Not even touching the rest of the mess of the plot)Which is a shame - since it makes people think that what Julie did was acceptable - her heart was in the right place - but in real life that hawk would probably not have been released or would have died from disease or injuries.

Just realized they never explain what they fed that hawk... makes me cringe...
