The Neverending Insult

Being a HUGE fan of the first one, and actually quite enjoying the second one, I was quite enthusiastic to see the 3rd one, so when I saw the box-set for sale recently I grabbed and dashed off home for a marathon Neverending Story Fest!
I watched the first two again and although I was surprised that my recollection of the special effects was a LOT more forgiving that I thought, but that aside, two great movies. The first being an all-time classic. I decided to put the 3rd one on hold for my undivided attention the following night. Enthusiastically I fired up the DVD player keen to see the final part of the "trilogy" that I'd never seen before, and boy was that enthusiasm crushed quickly.

Let me just say that until recently, Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer held the number one position, un-shifted for years as the worst movie I have ever seen. The Neverending Story 3 surpassed it a thousand-fold! Why? The reasons are almost too vast to list and have almost all been addressed here already. At least Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer was ORIGINAL, I'll give it that much. Something you can NOT say for this movie. Aside from the characters names to convince us of some continuity this movie really has nothing to do with the Neverending Story at all. It's a pure spike of insult driven into the heart of the two great movies before it.

The only real mystery to me is how the HELL anyone in their right mind EVER gave the green light to production of this movie? Even if you've never seen the first two or read the book, this movie is just so utterly horrible and tedious it can't even stand on it's own. The only reason I stuck with it to the bitter end (despite several outbursts of "oh god, please let this end now!") was the fact that the first two are such great classics that I kinda felt I owed them that much - to torture myself through this final part. I have never been so relieved to see the end credits roll!

If we are expected to believe that this is Bastian and his dad's life after the Neverending Story part 2, then why:

- Does the book look different?
- Has the orin changed into some cheap looking piece of cast-iron?
- Falcore turned into a hideous giant maltese poodle?
- The timeline of Bastians mother's death been totally ignored and invalidated.

- All the non-human characters turned into muppets? (Probably because Jim Henson's Creature Shop had a hand in it... god help us! That should have been a warning sign right there, but I kept watching all the same.)
- The Empress - Nothing childlike about her at all. She reminded me of Xayide from The Neverending Story 2 actually.

- Acting by everyone (with the possible exception of Bastian at times) is horrendous. WHen his "sister" started singing, I started to think maybe the mislabeled the DVD and I was watchig something else.

- The Rock Biter singing "Born to be wild" was just much... I really was wishing the nothing had gotten him in the first story death seems a better option than to embarrass himself like that. AS for "mrs rock biter" - Oh my god... where to begin!?

- The plot does not even reach "infantile" status.

Nevermind the glaringly obvious solutions to the story's plot which make you wonder why on earth they're all running around like maniacs trying to solve a problem that could be remedied in 2 seconds. But I guess that wouln't make for much of a story, or more accurately, that wouldn't allow enough time to insult my intelligence even further by pissing all over the fond memories I had for these movies. This movie was so bad that despite my best efforts to "suspend disbelief", it was just way WAY too ridiculous and simply impossible.

The only time the grimace of agony left my face was when that crazy "tree" (whatever his name was, I don't even care enough to look it up) was making wise-cracks and cheesy one-liners. Like that scene (which stood out as being so obviously contrived) where the dog is barking at him and he says "You're barking up the wrong tree." That was the movies highlight right there, so you can imagine what the rest of it was like...

If there ever was one way to get "the nothing" to destroy Fantasia, then watching this movie would be it! I NEVER ever want to go back there or see/hear from any of those characters ever again.

The only thing "Neverending" here is my gratitude - that his movie is over.

I can't possibly score this movie any lower. I'd rather kill myself than watch it again. If you havn't seen it yet - rather preserve your fond memories of this series and spare yourself the torture of watching a story, characters and plot you love(ed) be destroyed before your very eyes.

I now have a brand new "worst movie ever". So thanks for that at least...


I haven't watched this movie in years. I gave it away a long time ago. I'm not surprised that people hate it so much. It's funny because this is the first in the trilogy that I watched, then I watched the second, and finally the first one. Indeed when I watched the first two, they are better than this one. This film doesn't follow the spirit and style of the first or the second. What they had was a very intense story and deep emotion. What this film did was distort it with its campish, Gremlins-like tone. The puppets looked like out of "Dinosaurs" the TV show and the characters were more laughable and less serious. The Nasties don't have that same ominous nature of G'Mork and Xayide. Why on earth would they choose a gang of bullies to be the villains? They're just a bunch of spoiled punks who don't know anything about true villainy or about taking over the world. And what happened to Atreyu? He was the other main character in the first two films and the book (which I finished reading today) and brought a sense of serious heroism to the story, and they excluded him. In fact, it's hard to imagine Atreyu appearing in this film since it's so less damn serious and incredibly clownish and silly, with all that rock music, the Born To Be Wild spoof, the Rock-a-bye-baby tune in the Junior Rockbiter scenes, Falkor's lame voice, the Empress' cold nature, the crazy pranks in the mall, Nicole's shopping spree, and Barney not talking about the Neverending Story with Bastian since he was the one who read the book as Bastian acted. This film lacks any continuity with the previous two, portrays all the characters as soap-operatic and idiotic, and lacks any real seriousness or darkness; it definitely doesn't feel like the Neverending Story.


I know exactly what you mean. I loved the first movie. It stirred my imagination, and made me read every book I could get my grubby little hands on just so I could go into their worlds like Bastian did. I even went reading in the attic.

I was 6 years old the first time I saw the first movie. 10 years old when I saw the second one. Both rather good from what I thought.

The first one, received TOP HONORS with me, the second, although the actors seemed to be "overdoing" it, was pretty good.

So here I am, 14 years old, counting down the days to where I can get my hands on my very own copy of the NES 3. I get it home... I put it into my VCR. I wait with my heart thumping wildly.

Okay, the begining... okay... words flying onto the pages... Okay, it's a new time and ages, we need some newer, updated CGI's.

Okay... Bastians father gets remarried, okay... thats okay... he can't sit there the rest of his life reading the books his son gets sucked into. I'm really trying to be open minded about this...

What!? What!? They changed the book! What!?

The Auryn is.... what is that thing? A bubble wand?

Okay, okay.... deep healing breath... There just trying to... freshen the story up... yeah... deep healing breath...

Ah, Falcore, our friend falcore with all the wisdom... gentle... kind... Ummm... Who was in charge of designing falcore... he's more... dog then dragon! I mean I know there were some cracks about him in the first 2 movies looking like a large dog, but he had dragon qualities about him. Now they actually put those snickers into the movie!

This was like... everyone in the studio who HATED the movie (and yes, there are ppl who think the Never Ending Story movie is dumb, shocking but true) slapped together a "roast" or "parody" so to speak.

Why wasn't the kids heads becoming empty when she made all those wishes?

Well, since they arn't keeping with the book anyway... Where's Atreju? C'mon! Atreju and Bastian are friends! Why is he not mentioned? C'mon! My 14 year old heart wants to witness a TRUE hero!

The Nasties? I'll admit, Jack Black was possibly the best actor in the whole movie. C'mon give them a tougher name. "The Nasties" sounds like an explicit club where kids 21 and under shouldn't be.

This whole movie was like a train wreck. You didn't want to see it, but you couldn't turn away.

I literally cried after viewing this piece of junk. I'm not kidding, I cried because it was so bad! I had to view the original Never Ending Story 3 times begging forgivness for watching that blasphamy. I have NEVER watched it again. Since that time, I have seen it on SEVERAL re-sale shelves.

Trust everyone one when they say "Yeah, it is that bad."

Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!


- All the non-human characters turned into muppets? (Probably because Jim Henson's Creature Shop had a hand in it... god help us! That should have been a warning sign right there, but I kept watching all the same.)

what's your deal?... that was one of the best elements the film had


I LOVE Jim Henson, and all the movies him and his creature shop brought about. however, I don't think they were told what the film would be called. However,our young minds were still.... bruised.

Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!


Sure it not the best in the neverending story trilogy but is it really as bad as the second movie. I like all three of them and as most of you will probably agree the first will always be the best one. Still in a lot of way, not for any kind of continuity with the other movies or the book, the third movie is better than the second movie. I think a lot of the reason I may have liked the third one better than the second is because of Jack Black though.

I've seen evil and I've changed my ways.

- Joxer
