Uh oh

Good Christ. WTF?
I'm amazed that people defend this movie. To say it's "not that bad" would require a total new definition of "bad." This movie is terrible.
Want to start with the "stars?" Corey Feldman's character can be summed up as "the guy that is always wearing a suit". Corey Haim seems to have rolled out of bed and worn whatever he had on from the night before onto the set. Half their lines are muttered and sound ad-libbed, and on the occassions when they do seem to be reading from a script they are wooden and bland. To say they phone in their performances is a huge overstatement-- the performances are tapped in via Morse Code in German and translated by dyslexic Puerto Ricans (yeah-- that sentence makes more sense than this movie).
And what abou the plot? 'Contrived' doesn't begin to cover it. Every set-up is painfully obvious and every punchline as predictable as the sunrise. Great comedy moments include Haim getting launched into the air by his oxygen tank (a gag used twice), Feldman dancing like Micheal Jackson, and a villain that dresses inexplicably like Hitler and talks in a robot voice. Any sequence that involves the slightest amount of directing talent or stunt work is a total wash: most notably the 'sword fight' scenes (oh my god). By the time we get to the 'Three Tests of Manhood' the movie has already gone on way too long. And once the Tests begin to involve a fat guy doing the Cha Cha you realize that there can be no God.
The script is so weak it must have been fed a heavy dose of intravenous steroids just to hold itself on the page. Plot devices include a "magic thing" that transports the characters to a tropical island (literally, they pick something up off the ground and says "it's one of those things" and then pop up on the island), a buried treasure underneath a 'Treasure Here' sign, and a hired slut that happens to be the identical slut from Feldman's dreams.
Geez I can't even waste any more breath on this.
This is terrible.
You suck if you like this.


No, obviously you suck! A movie that you think is SOO bad, you type 18 lines worth of complaining! Makes no sense, you sound like the idiot to me! At least when I don't like a movie I'll stop it and discontinue watching it! But YOU!!! You force yourself through a movie you hate and then post a lengthy review of it............ Yeah, YOU SUCK!
