Funniest scene in this movie

The scene after he comes out from the jackoff room door for the first time with his glasses upside down and a cigarette in his mouth hahahaha
Man thats a funny scene, anyone agree?
Which scene do you guys think was most funny?



is it this film when leslie and some girl are on a ambulance bed thats out of control going down a hill and leslie say i love u but shes worried about her dad a nd says but what about my father and he goes well ilike him, i just have to get to know him a bit more somethin like that

I thought i was indesisive but i cant make up my mind





I loved the Untouchables parody at the beginning. One little gag I noticed in the background was OJ holding on to a baby and doing a touchdown dance (at one point he looks like he's going to slam the prop into the ground).



The camera pretty much focuses on him as he dances in victory while holding the baby.
Just before he slams the baby into the ground, the worried mother rushes forward, snapping O.J. out of his celebratory actions, whereupon he hands the baby to her with a remorseful expression.


I think the funniest scene was when Frank slides below dancers on the stage and after that imitates them by holding his balls and dancing around with a painful face. I was laughing so loudly at that scene that my neighbours heard me :)


Definetly the one with Pia Zadora walking with a frigging tube in her head!



in the opening scene were the guy shouts 'my lawn-mower'


In the big fight scene when the black guy enthusiastically hits everyone with his head and then suddenly he hits a fire extinguisher and goes down. I have laughed so hard like probably never before.

How does an a$$hole like Bob get such a great kitchen?


"In the big fight scene when the black guy enthusiastically hits everyone with his head and then suddenly he hits a fire extinguisher and goes down. I have laughed so hard like probably never before. "

I second that. That made me bust out laughing pretty hard.


most Jail scenes were funny, plus the Untouchables intro

Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. NOBODY


any scene with leslie neilson

I dont have a signiture!




I just saw The Untouchables for the 1st time on TV yesterday. And NOW I finally understand that part! The parody was the weirdest scene I had ever seen! I get it now! :D

"They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God." -Elwood Blues


What's the matter with you? You had never seen the Untouchables? You should watch the beginning of The Naked Gun 3 again so you can see how much funnier it is!


The funniest scene has to be when Frank is on the edge of the building and slips,pulling himself up holding on to the naked male statue (Onto his privates!!!) and you then see his shadow try to lift himself up it actually looks like his giving the statue mouth love!!!! Absolutely hilarious...What a classic scene.....



I loved the first scene, in the train station(?), when everyone's coming down the steps. The first time I saw it, I broke down in laughter, but when I watch it again, it doesn't seem that funny...!


The opening scene.
The security guard at the Academy Awards.
The playground.
"It's unlisted."

So many funny parts.

"Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?" -- Dave Mustaine, Megadeth



Most of the prison scenes, including when Frank first arrives at the prison and he meets Rocco and Tyrone who says "This place changes a man." Frank: "In what way?" Tyrone: "I used to be white."

Ed: "Frank, you might end up dead!"
Frank: "You-might-end-up-dead is my middle name."

Just about any scene with Fred Ward. His facial reactions to Leslie Nielsen's antics are worth their weight in comedic gold.

When the cops show up at the Academy Awards and they can't open their doors because they parked to close to each other.


Every one of his voice-over's:

"Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way in."

"Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes."

Hilarious!!! :)

That's my 2 cents.
To error is human but to forgive is divine.


the untouchable's intro by far... I don't remmeber the exact phrase but it's something like "the pope, oh no now all the angry mailmen from Philadelphia"

hahaha great stuff


the whole movie is awesome, but the part i laughed the most was when waldo appears clapping :D


The voiceovers are great, this is my favourite one when he first enters the prison, it goes something like this: "i was surrounded by pimps, murderers, perverts, it was like being in the stands at an LA raiders game"



-the untouchables spoof at the beginning
-the prison fight
-the scene where Drebin enters the prison and wlaks through the yard where the inmates are on swings, skipping on a roof and vaulting over the wall
-the whole getting rid of the dirt from the tunnel thing when the guard is telling the inmates that there is trouble if anyone is cuaght trying to escape, and he passes drebin and rocco all covered in dust and with heap of dirt on their head
-tanya's d**k


for me, its pia zadoras performance


"Phil Donahue" at the Academy Awards was by far the funniest scenes. The part where he kicked Raquel Welch in the ass and she deepthroated the mic had me laughing hard. The dance routine had me rolling on the floor. Hilarious.

Many more funny scenes in this movie though. The sperm bank scene was great, especially Nielsen talking about his time spent "throwing it around" in the backyard with his uncle. The whole movie is hilarious.


Frank's "spit-take" with the beaker of urine had me in stitches.



For a whole scene, I would go with the whole Pia Zadora dance scene.

For just a single gag, the thing in the movie that makes me laugh maybe the most is when they're dishing out the dirt in prison to the convicts in the cafeteria. It looks disgusting, and the one convict looks disgustedly at it. But then ... the camera shifts to a fat prisoner just going to town on it. I can't even think of it without laughing.


I love the scene where Frank is surreptitiously tying a note to a the pigeon's foot, and Anna Nicole surprises him and says "What are you doing?" and he throws his hands up and the pigeon goes through a spinning fan near the ceiling, feathers fly everywhere - and Anna Nicole says - "Have you seen my pigeon?" LOLOL

Also she distracts the security guard by popping the bubble wrap....hahahahaha


Loved the scene in the grocery store when Frank is frantically trying to pull apart the shopping carts.

When Frank first gets put in his prison cell he screams as the guard walks away..."No prison cell can hold me! Attica! Attica! Power to the brothers! KILL WHITEY!" Then in the prison cafeteria after the guard(R. Lee Ermey) sees Rocco's escape plan.."HEY! You call this slop? Real slop has got CHUNKS of things in it. This is more like GRUEL!" <stands up on the table> "And this chateau le blanc '68 is supposed to served slightly chilled. This is ROOM TEMPERATURE! Whadd'ya think we are, ANIMALS?!"

And of course the sperm bank, the oscars, the great opening Untouchables parody. Also loved the line from George Kennedy:

Ed: "Frank if Rocco finds out you're a cop, you might end up dead."

Frank: "You might end up dead is my middle name."

Ed: "What about Jane?"

Frank: "I don't know her middle name."


"God, what’s that?!" "Looks like Phil Donahue, throwing up into a tuba."

