Rhonda's Threesome Guys

Can I just say, good for them. They heard Muriel, thought something bad was going down and immediately rushed out. And then jumped right in to protect her, without giving it a second thought. Shoving the kids face into the carpet and actually trying to make sure she was okay. Obviously she wasn't being attacked and the kid didn't deserve it but if I was being attacked that's how I'd want people to react. Completely unselfishly.

"Ich lüge" is German for "I'm lying".


Yeah, they stoped gang banging a women they could take advantage off, to bully another womans boy friend without bothering to ask who he was - and were on ship never to be seen again.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in peoples spelling and grammar. 


Rhonda KNEW what she wanted. That was definitely consensual.


''Yeah, they stoped gang banging a women they could take advantage off''

would you be saying that if it was two women in a bed with a guy?? Such a sexiest stupid remark, rhonda was enjoying it, it seems some people find it hard to grasp that women enjoy sex just as much as men do. Women are consenting adults just every bit as much as men. Yea so rhonda was promiscuous but so are loads of people in their 20s, if they are harming nobody and enjoying it nobody's taking advantage.


I thought this would be a topic about they looked like they were in a gay bar and those two guys looked VERY gay.


They were wearing naval uniforms, hardly makes them look gay

I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


I thought they were really hot and loved how they looked out for Muriel in her time of distress (or at least what they thought was distress). Rhonda knew what she was doing, and all I can say is "lucky girl!".

"Getting old is not for sissies."
Bette Davis


I disagree.

While it's admirable that they responded with concern, attacking an innocent person before finding out what is going on is simply assault and was not right thing to do.

It's called "white knight syndrome" and it's more commonplace than you might thing but it's ultimately destructive for few reasons:

- Presuming guilt without proof and physically acting on it
- Assuming a women needs help when none was needed
- It's easily manipulated by false accusers to get white knights to attack someone

Yes their intentions were completely admirable and had there been proof then by all means man handle away but until then a simple hold back while an explanation happens would have been the right thing to do instead of dropping him face first to the floor in what looked like a very painful and dangerous move.
