MovieChat Forums > Milk Money (1994) Discussion > The money from the car?

The money from the car?

Why does the father, Tom, bring the money to the school dance after pulling it out of the car's internal workings? Did he think it belonged to V?


V was driving the car when it broke down and Tom volunteered to fix it. If it was supposed to be V's car then it was also supposed to be V's money.


I just watched this movie and because I have tivo, I was able to play certain scenes over and over. I was curious how the money, which started off in a briefcase, ended up in a backpack that never appears in the movie until Ed Harris grabs it off the kitchen table. I was watching the movie on USA, so it is possible that some things were cut, but he did not pull the backpack from under the car - I double checked.


He borrowed his son's backpack just because he needed something to put the money in.


While repairing the car, he discovered the money, ran into the house and grabbed his son's backpack to put the money in. He then went to the dance with it, probably looking for V.

I love this movie. Melanie is just peachy.

"Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine." Patti Smith - Gloria.


If Ed Harris had the loot with him at the dance, how did it end up in V's apartment? There was no way he knew where she lived, and I don't remember if he had it with him when he got out of the car to go in the dance. Shouldn't have deleted before fully investigating this anomaly in the narrative. And if he had it at the dance, where was the backpack while the fracas was going on and afterwards when everyone was rushing to the burning car.

Now that I think about it maybe the registration in the car had her address? No, cause it was her pimp's, not hers. Maybe there was a deleted scene that explained it all, but ruined the flow so out it went?

Anyone with the DVD like to chime in?


I came here to dicuss that same thing. How the heck does she get the backpack? I think when I was paying attention the kids grabbed it, they went into the car but I didn't see her take it out and then the car catchs on fire. I must be missing something.


I'm pretty sure she grabbed the bag, along with her purse, right before she exited the burning car.


But what i don't understand is why she grabbed it? Cause when she opened the backpack she was suprised at the movey. why would she steal the kids backpack?

I know it's not supossed to make sense but why?!?! Lol


Tom leaves the back pack filled with money in the car. The boys and V take the car and eventually it's about to blow up. When they are all exiting the car, V grabs everything she can carry out of the car including the back pack. At that point, she still fears being chased so she takes off with out realizing she is still holding the back pack.


so what in fact was wrong with the car, was money hidden underneath or somthing


According to Waltzer, when he was telling V about what Cash the Pimp told him, Cash had hidden the money in the gas tank. I would imagine the plastic bags blocked the fuel flow.
