
It seemed to me that the ending was left wide open for a sequel. If I remember correctly, Maverick implied that he left the bag with the money in it where Jodie Foster could take it easily. He then told James Garner that he was looking forward to getting to back....then the movie just ends. I saw this in the theatres when it first came out and have been waiting on a sequel ever since. Anyone else agree?


I found (and still find) this movie great.
I do agree with you that the end leaves everything open for a sequel, but it is rather uncommon to make one more than ten years later. Actually I hope they wont make one, because I think it is impossible to make one that comes nearly close to the precedessor.


I agree that if one was made now it would just be a waste of time, but I was halfway expecting one.


I disagree - I absolutely loved the first movie and I think if the proper screenplay was written, it'd be a great idea. I'm sure Jodie Foster would do it (given how much she enjoyed doing the first) and Richard Donner, the director, and Mel Gibson are good friends from their Lethal Weapon Days. James Garner is still alive and well and could repise his role, too. The only downfall is that James Coburn is no longer living and he would've made a great villain for the second film. Anyways, I think given the somewhat-cult status of the first film, a sequel would do well at the box office.

"But you don't have to take my word for it..."


yeah this movie is pretty good... i gave it a 8 out of 10.

i doubt that they will make a sequel though. as it's been over 10 years.


Of course they could make a sequal. This time they could use brother Bart instead of Bret, and Cousin Bo could also make a show of it. I know that Roy Huggins wrote several movie scripts for the Maverick series so I'm sure that one of those could be used/rewritten.

I understand why they cut Bart out of the first one since Jack Kelly died just before the project got started (and it was out of repect), but I still wished they had put him in. As for Garner, I hear he and Gibson worked fine for the film, but neither wanted to really work together again.

I've just always been more of a brother Bart fan so I'd just like to see a new movie with him as the main character. They could even bring back some of the old series friends like Sam, Diamond Jim Buckly, and Pappy (Garner of course), if they dont use Bret. Or drop Pappy and bring Gibson back and make it both brothers. That would wind up the Maverick universe on a high note.


I always thought that the studio was a little disappointed with with the Box office take of the film. It made just over 100 million bit I think they thought it would make at least 150 million and left open the door for a sequel with Foster/annabelles stealing of the bag of money.


I love watching this movie when it's on - I don't care how long it's been, I wish they'd make a sequel!

"A Rebel in Yankee Land!"

