Which movie, 1 or 2?

Which movie, major league 1 or 2 is it when willie mays hayes keeps popping the ball up and the coach tells him for every pop up hes got to do pushups. I dont remember it from ne movie, but my teammates said it was in the 1st one, and i would think itd be in the 2nd one where hes trying to hit homeruns. Please help me out on this.


It's from the first one. The coach also tells Dorn that he has to do something like 30 squat thrusts for every ground ball he misses. Dorn shows the coach his contract that says he doesn't have to do it, prompting the coach to throw the contract on the ground and urinate on it.

In the second one, he's telling Willie to hit ground balls instead of homers because he's their lead-off man.


It was 30 sit-ups, not squat thrusts. :)



Chris J. Nelson


Sorry, but your teammate is right -- it's from the first movie.


I like the first one better.

But the second one has some good things:
-Omar Epps as Willie Mays Hays
-Jack Parkman
-Rube Baker

"Just a bit outside" Bob Uecker- Major League


Wesley Snipes was WAY better as Willie Mays Hays.

Parkman and Baker sucked! I miss Eddie Harris.....(The pitcher who puts snot on the baseball)

My name is Tom, I'm 28, and I used to be a Simpsons fan.


This movie almost seems like a remake of the original, minus the duller parts. The big romantic subplot was the only problem I had with the original. I felt it dragged the movie down somewhat. There's a romantic subplot in this movie, but somehow doesn't drag the movie down this time. So, while this sequel isn't as fresh, it's just as enjoyable, to me.

Rocky VI must happen! Sean Penn said so!


I like both but the original is a classic.


The first one is a better movie, but the second is very underrated. It has more quotable lines and no one knows that because no one saw this more than once.


Maybe they will now that it is airing on cable a little bit!
