Rivera or Vaughn?

Assuming Rick Vaughn returned to form, would you rather have him or Yankees reliever Mariano Rivera?


woulden't do much good, since vaughn is more like a josh beckett type starter than a closer.


Um, Rivera. Easily.


Being that Rivera is the greatest reliever in the history of the MLB, I'll have to take him.

However, I have to give Ricky Vaughn his props. Yea, Rivera has the nastiest cutter in the game, but he can't come anywhere near Wild Thing's 102-MPH max fastball. If Vaughn were an actual major leaguer, he'd have the perfect closer mentality -- although with a history of control problems I think scouts would be weary of a possible Mark Wohlers-type breakdown.

Both Rivera and Vaughn are essentially one-pitch pitchers, although Rivera occasionally features a two-seam fastball and Vaughn drops in a curveball here and there. So in that regard they are similar, but I'll still take Mo -- the real deal.


if i'm in cleveland and i'm the mananger for the indians i'd take vaughn simply for this reason:

(i realize it was a movie)
-but the crowd would go nuts every time you have a guy who can do the following:

1) throw upwards of 97 mph as a closer as a regular basis (Billy Wagner)
2) wear the outfits he did, black glasses w/skull , and the leather jacket
3) lets teh crowd get involved when "wild thing" comes on

-and if he's on , on a regular basis, the batters will be really intimidated when he's doing those warm-ups during "wild thing", and the crowd is going nuts.


Billy Wagner has the same type of fastball, but is left-handed. Vaughn is most comparable to Bobby Jenks or Joel Zumaya.


Tom "FLASH" Gordon! Wagner turned his back on the phils so to hell with that "RAT"!





Any pitcher who only throws fastballs is not good. Hitters will catch up eventually. You need at least another pitch. This is why Wagner was taken deep so many times.

Also, I'd choose Mo.


I was wondering how many posts it would be before a Sox fan would come in with Papelbon. As much as I hate the Yanks (I'm a Sox fan too), I gotta give Mo his props. Easily the symbol of ninth inning dominance for the past decade. Although his delivery is too slow to catch Dave Roberts!
