MovieChat Forums > Major League II (1994) Discussion > Interesting baseball fact

Interesting baseball fact

At the end of this movie, the Cleveland Indians play for the league championship and win. The following baseball season of 1995, The Indians actually did win the league championship and faced the Atlanta Braves in the world series. It was the first time they made it to a World series since 1954. Do you suppose this film had psychic writers?


I never realized this. That is weird. Well just look at the team they had in '95, that's why they won! Well, maybe the owners and managers saw this movie before that season and tried getting all the great players they could so they'd make it far! Heh heh.

This is my signature, nice eh?


I found this coincidence a little freaky too. It's clear that the creator of these movies was a Cleveland fan, just trying to give the team every ounce of inspiration possible. In this case, it actually worked! Although the team has still failed to actually win the World Series.


Me= Biggest Indians fan ever!


I think it had more to do with the fact that back in 1989, the Indians were a joke. I think the creator had to pick a team that in real life was doing bad. Like, we wouldn't be able to see the Yankees portrayed as the team in a movie like this. Plus, Cleveland hadn't had a championship in over forty years at the time. What I liked about the movie was that it was also about Cleveland adn the city became a character. The Indians winning cheered up the town. By the time the sequel came out, it was so long between films the team was getting better. And in the original the team won the division, so for the climax in the sequel, they had to win the pennant.


Well some have said the movie "The Siege" from 1998 predicted the 9/11 attacks three years later.



Well some have said the movie "The Siege" from 1998 predicted the 9/11 attacks three years later.

Please think for half a second before making yourself appear utterly clueless. Ever heard of this?:

"My name is Perry, with a p, as in pterodactyl."


The Red Sox won while they were filming fever pitch. Had to change the whole ending because they assumed the team would lose. That is something.


Other interesting things...

I don't think there was a single Asian ball player in the majors before this movie. Then comes Ichiro, Nomo, Irabu and such.
