MovieChat Forums > Major League II (1994) Discussion > Possibly The Worst Baseball Move Ever Ma...

Possibly The Worst Baseball Move Ever Made

Major League 1 was good. It was really funny and well acted. Major League 2 is pure crap. A few funny scenes capped off by the worst and corniest game every filmed for a movie. The only funny scene was when Willie Mays Hayes is in that fake action movie with Jesse Ventura. I can see why Rene Russo and Randy Quaid are uncredited, who would want their name associated with this horrible movie.



I'm really not in a position to respond to you. I've never seen Major League I, and after approximately 3.5 minutes of Major League II, I had to leave the room, for my health's sake. What I can say is that those were the worst 3.5 minutes of baseball movie I've ever seen. My six-year-old, however, seems to like it just fine.

Nicholas Stix


you must be from Chicago...


i will accept the argument that it is indeed, bad(i didnt mind it much) and no where near the standard of the first... but im going to go ahead and assume you havent seen major league 3: back to the minors, much much worse.


it's a silly movie. it's suppose to be. you're not suppose to watch it expect Citizen Kane, you're suppose to just let it happen to you.

it's baseball. it's fun.

and yes, if you think this is bad, please watch Major League: Back to the minors. now THAT is a bad movie.



you havent seen "rookie of the year"


It certainly could have been better. Some of the baseball scenes were just stupid.

- Cerrano tending to the pigeon.
- Hayes spooking the infielder on the popup
- Hayes stealing 3 bases in a row
- Hayes jumping over Parkman on the way home
- Anything involving Parkman
- Anything involving Tanaka
- Dorn and the pinch runner

I don't understand why they needed to add all these gags. Just play baseball, like in the first movie. The plot itself needed plenty of work too.

I think it was a good idea to do a sequal, it was just really sloppily done.


"Hayes spooking the infielder on the popup "

I'm guessing you posted this before A-Rod did it. lol

Restraining Orders Are Just Another Way Of Saying, "I Love You!"


This isn't as bad as "Ed" to name but one baseball-related movie, but it is bad. It was always going to be a tough call to do a sequel, but they should still have come up with a better script. However, the baseball action scenes at the end are filmed fairly well.

"All my life I wanted to know that a medieval knight could crush a telephone."


I agree that Major League was the best in the series, but the second one is by far better than the third "Back to the Minors" so it can't be the worst baseball movie of all time.



Worst? Not by a longshot.

I actually found myself enjoying II more than I. The first film was hardly a great baseball movie with by any stretch but it was entertaining. This one had some really funny bits. Uecker was far funnier in the sequel.

As for the worst baseball flicks. That would be Summer Catch and Ed.



I think 2 was better. You people seem to think Hollywood has to be reality. It's a comedy people, they put in a lot of funny stuff in the second one. I liked the third one too. The first one was good too. Probably my favorite baseball movies ever.


I think Major League 2 is rated way too low. It should be atleast a 6. I enjoyed it though nowhere near as much as the first.
"I am Reality"


those are both very terrible, but check out a horrible little movie called bleacher bums.



i don't agree summercatch was the worst atleast it had jessica biel in a pool scene but for worst have you seen the Sandlot Sequels OMG horrible 2 and 3 are horrid 2 is like they just chaged a little bit from the first one and sent it off and the third is even worse gives me a headache


I love ML2 it's hilarious

"Alright, you big bastard, come on I got something for ya now!" Jaws 2



Another vote for 'pure crap', especially considering how hilarious the original film was/is.

What a waste. And to think, by the same director.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I actually like this one better than the first one. They are both pretty good movies (not Oscar worthy) but they are entertaining.

I like Major League II better because it's just funny. It's not supposed to be a serious movie. If it was serious they wouldn't have the crazy fans and announcer. They wouldn't have Willy Mays Hayes doing a crazy ass movie. It's just supposed to be goofy and it does that well.

It's not like Caddyshack was about a heartwarming story of golf. It was a comedy.


The first one had humorous moments and situations that were far more believable. What I loved about the last scene is that is true to baseball in regards to strategy. The fastest guy is in scoring position, the infield would be playing deep expecting a hit, if you can beat the bunt, Hayes would score - and even if he didn't, you still have one more at-bat with the 3-4-5 hitters coming up.

In the second one, it got too slapstick, both in the plot (Phelps buying the team would not have been possible because of her cullusion; Takanga could not stand atop the wall) but even more so in the characters who morphed into some sort of incongruous caricatures that were more suited for a bad sit-com.

Finally, the worst baseball movie (in my humble opinion) was Mr. Baseball.


"The Babe" with John Goodman.

Goodman has been great in other movies, but not that one.

The worst, most pathetic, fake-baseball scenes ever shot on the planet.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


This is not the worst Jesse Ventura cameo of all time. You people are silly. I like that Randy Quaid Cameo podcast! I could go for an ice cream sandwich right about now.


"I aint got time to bleed"
Sylvester Stallone in Stop or My Mom Will Shoot


Just watched Summer Catch on MLB Network.

It is so bad that it makes Major League 2 look like an all-time great when comparing the two


EVer see the third one =)
