selfish jerk

Ok, so I don't know how many other people have thought of this question, but:

If he was a brilliant scientist that made an exo-skeleton that turned him from handicapped to a super hero, why didn't he make non-superpowerful suits that would help other disabled citizens walk again?

It seems pretty selfish to leave everyone else wheelchair bound while you are running around the city shooting darts out of your hands! I mean, fighting crime is beneficial to society, but wouldn't it help more to revitalize thousands and thousands of people's lives?

This may have been answered on the show, but I haven't seen it in over 10 years. 4th grade or so I suppose. I really liked it back then, but have pondered this question for many years...


You know I never thought about that. I hate this show more that I did already. Burn in Hell MANTITS!!


Well I mean come on, he was super smart so he knew that baddies would get their hands on the schematics for the "lesser suits" and turn them into ultra suits of evil! It's totally obvious.
His car was cool tho. How it could turn into a jet. Neato


He originally created the suit as a prototype to help disabled people (like himself) but in the pilot episode something happens (I forget what) that causes him to need to use the prototype suit to help someone. Since he realizes he can do a lot of good with the suit as the MANTIS the show continues on with him using the suit (although a couple more are made, in later episodes his suit is purpose built for crime fighting).

If he suddenly revealed the technology of his suit to the public, to.. say make a commercial version to help the handicapped, then people would probably associate these exoskeletons with the MANTIS and his ecret identity would be revealed.

Probably the same reason he did not reveal his flying car technology (Chrysalid).


M.A.N.T.I.S., if I remember, was wanted by the authority, so if this technology became public, he'd be brought down and the technology possibly confiscated. That's my guess.


In the stand-alone movie, it was also stated that the suit wasn't perfected yet and was, in fact, slowly killing him. His assistants pointed it out, and he responded by threatening to have their immigration status revoked. So I guess he is a selfish jerk, but not in the sense the original poster meant.



Dude... it is FICTION. It isnt real. So calm down.

Besides, I am a real handycapped person and I have bigger concerns than whining over what a fictional character does. You will see what that means soon enough when you grow up. We all have that epiphany. You will too.


"If he was a brilliant scientist that made an exo-skeleton that turned him from handicapped to a super hero, why didn't he make non-superpowerful suits that would help other disabled citizens walk again? "

Because HIS suit was a PROTOTYPE that he was TESTING so that he COULD make suits that would help other disabled citizens walk again. THAT WAS the reason it was developed. The super-human strength was actually a BUG (IE: a MALFUNCTION) which he did not expect. That was stated right there in the script and was a part of the plot from the very beginning. I don't know how you missed it.

Then when he realized the potential of the super-strength to prevent others from being crippled by criminals he saw that as too important a mission to pass up. Remember, he was cruppled by a sniper's bullet, not naturally.

The super-strength was too dangerous for normal use and the testing he did on himself every time he "suited up" was ONGOING research that KEPT being done WHILE he fought crime so that they could understand HOW to tweak the suit down to normal safe strength, etc and this too was an original and ongoung part of the plot.

And when you are spending YOUR time and money to help people then YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT to decide which groups of people you wish to help in what order of priority. In other words, he decided that preventing crime-victim injuries should be more important that DISEASE-victim injury because it is his perogotive to decide where to throw his own money on his own time. IE: HIS perogotive, not yours. WHen it is your money and time then you do it YOUR way and nobody should dictate how and where YOU should throw YOUR money. This is not personal, but why would any person think THEY should have any say in the spending of OTHER peoples money? That is not the thinking of a people who support themselves, but of ungrateful leaches who mooch off of others. I am speaking in general there, not personally to any one particular leach.

I haven't seen the show in as long a time as you either, but I remember all that as if I saw it last month.

So the character was NOT selfush as you claim. He was out there in a NON-bulletproof suit risking his life to help others being victimized. How you see that as selfish I have to wonder because no way can that be called selfish unless you dont know the storyline and if you dont know what you are talking about, why the heck do you think yiu have room to be speculating on that to which you neglected to even pay sufficient attention to KNOW such fundimental details? You're apparantly a heckler, not a fan. fans pay attention to and know all these details.

Lastly, like I said before, this is FICTION. Why get so bent out of shape over it?


Hey, thanks for the info on the show.

Not totally sure, but I guess "It isnt real. So calm down," and "Why get so bent out of shape over it?" are aimed at me (OP).

Just to make it clear- I was never worked up or bent out of shape over this.

My question "why didn't he make non-superpowerful suits that would help other disabled citizens walk again?" was an authentic one, but my "selfish jerk" tone was all sarcastic.
I was just trying to put a thread someone might find funny on a board for a show which looks like pretty much no one remembers or cares about.
So there would be a little joke for anyone who actually came to the boards.
Obviously, anyone who goes all super-hero is not a selfish jerk.

"a part of the plot from the very beginning. I don't know how you missed it."
Here is what I remember about this show:
The main character- Scientist, handicapped, black
He had a suit- made him walk, strong, shoot darts from his hands
Had a lair/lab- underwater? got to it with a some sort of sub vehicle?
the plot/details- ?????????????????

It's been a looooong time since I've seen this and I was ten years old at that point. I certainly don't remember any of it "as if I saw it last month".

"I am a real handycapped person and I have bigger concerns than whining over what a fictional character does."
You seem much more concerned than anyone else about the fictional character and what he does. If you're handycapped then I could see why you would be into this show, but I'm not whining. I'm just making light of old, seemingly forgotten sci-fi show.

"You're apparantly a heckler, not a fan"
At least someone remembers the show well enough to post something about it.


Yeah, people could lighten up a bit. *This* is just a message board, after all...

Wow, I'm still signed on, after many months of not posting. Cool...


Incidentally, Carl Lumbly has just appeared on Battlestar Galactica, as 'Bulldog' (which explains why I'm reading these posts).
