The Cinematography

Was anybody else disappointed that Conrad L. Hall wasn't nominated for an Oscar for his work on this film? I thought the photography was breath taking. I know Conrad got some award nomination for this movie but he didn't get the big one. What do you all think?


I thought the cinematography was beautiful, but, by then, the standards changed in regards to rewarding such work unless there was a good work behind it. Out Of Africa won Best Picture not only because of its anti-apartheid message but because of the cinematography as well. It's acting? Two greats doing only good.


Yeah I see what you mean. Other than the cinematography, this movie really wasn't anything special and compared to "An Affair to Remember", this movie had some things that weren't explained like why Ken and Terry broke up or what happned between Mike Gambril and the woman he was engaged to. I was disappointed that Katharine Hepburn didn't have more to do in this movie. But I think it's worth seeing for it's cinematography. But I pretty much knew this had to be well photographed because Conrad L. Hall did it, and he had a magic touch with cinematograpy.


Kate was the only actor in the movie who actually acted well. Of course, Bening outshined her husband, like she usually does, but Hepburn's scenes were the only ones that were well written, minus the F-word scene. Watching Bening throughout the movie having to say ever word her husband wrote made Guantanamo Bay torture seem like a spank on your backside!
