MovieChat Forums > Little Women (1994) Discussion > Winona Ryder vs Katherine Hepburn

Winona Ryder vs Katherine Hepburn

Who's the best Jo March?
In my opinion,Winona by far.Katherine was a great actress but her Jo was too over the top and she could be quite annoying.Plus,she lacked sensitivity.Winona captured all the caracter's emotions and truly deserved the oscar in 1995.



I agree with Winona. Katherine was far too OTT for my liking and I thought she over did it a bit



I agree. I always think Katharine somehow lacked the femininity that`s required for the role, though her presentation of Jo`s boyishness was good.
Winona was absolutely amazing.


Lacked the femininity required for the role? Have you even read the book???


I just saw the Katharine version, couldn't stand her. In my opinion, all the cast in this version of Little Women tops the Hepburn version. In this one, we can really define the character so well, Jo is the wild one, Meg the mature one, Beth the shy one, and who will ever forget Amy?

In Hepburn version, Jo is over the top and the rest of the sisters act exactly the same. Not too mention that they looked too old to play their part. I don't mind when the actress are older than the characters they had to play, but at least use the one with youthful looks to trick the audience.


I must disagree. Although this version is superb... Hepburn is absolutely wonderful. I also think the 33 version is closer to the book. I think the differences between the two films, particularly the interpretation of Jo, have a lot to do with the respective time periods in which they were made. Filmmaking, audiences and literary adaptations to screen were far different in the 90s than the 30s.

I love both versions dearly, and I think any "LW" fan can agree that these are far superior to the Elizabeth Taylor/June Allyson version and the 70s made-for-tv version.

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." -Walt Disney



I liked June the best, personally.

"Remember men, we're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did."
-Duck Soup



[SPOILERS]The entire Horror genre was destroyed by sequels[/SPOILERS]


I agree, Winona was superb in the role and definitely my favourite Jo.


As much as I love the great Kate, I agree that Winona was better suited for this particular role. What others see as bland, I see as subtle and real. Winona has such an expressive face that she can speak volumes without saying a word. Katharine, thought formidable, made Jo a bit too icy and brash to sympathize with.

In the morning tide when the sparrow and the seagull fly...


I thinkKatharine Hepburn is a better Jo, although i think Winona did an excellent job. this however is the superior version of the book by far and its the one i usually watch (and not just because my 10 yr old dislikes b/w films)

It is not our abilities that make us who we is our choices


And what about June Allison?


Allison, although a good actress, seemed to be a imitation of Hepburn's Jo.


June Allison would have been a perfect Meg, miscast as Jo...

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


i loved Winona... she was perfect for this part.

I love this whole movie.


"They're all mistakes, children. Glad I never was one."


#1. Winona
#2. Kath
#3. June


Oh, Katherine Hepburn. She, being a true New England gal, was a bit of a tomboy herself in real life.

Bette Davis had the same tomboyish attitude too-but she gets extra points for being a hometown girl (Lowell, MA).

There is something about New England that makes females-no matter what generation-tomboyish. I think it's called "survival of the sexes".


Winona is the best!
She's absolutely wonderful in that movie. Possibly her best performance.


i agree soooooooooo much. thats exactly what i noticed too about kate's jo, she acted like it was a comedic play she was acting in not a dramatic movie, too over the top, exaggerating & lacking warmth. kate is such a terribly overrated actor! on the plus side she physically made a MUCH better jo than winona, but winona beats her @ acting =]

