This is it!

"Little Odessa" is my all time favorite movie. Many people wrote it´s bleak to the point of total despair but I just love everything about it.
What do you think ?!


I think it's intense and violent and Eddie Furlong I like his characters who a are pitiable and lovable, and are quiet like he much was in this. What exactly happens at the end could you tell me? it was confusing, what happens to Furlong?


I don´t want to tell too much but it´s very gruesome in the end, especially what
happens to Furlong´s character.
His older brother played by Tim Roth loses control after his sick mother dies
and Furlong wants to talk to him to not lose his brother again. At the end
Furlong accidentally gets killed and with the beautiful russian classic music
and the sad ending, it is all very compelling...just watch it again, it´s intriguing!


I hate endings like that


I am always astonished if a movie doesn´t have a happy-end. Endings like these
make you not forget about the whole film cause it´s not easy to swallow.

"there is nothing I could say that I haven´t thought before" - K. Cobain


True. Even though 'down' or at the very least, ambiguous endings were very much in vogue in the early 90s, they certainly did keep you thinking for days after. The films that make you think are usually the better films.


Hey folks, if you're going to give away the ending - please put a spoiler warning. I've seen this before so I wasn't affected :)

//Add me to your netflix friends list!


i am really amazed why would anyone takes this movie seriously. I hated it, so unrealistic, over played ... just bad all together. Why did you like it? Just because they showed your neighborhood?


Everyone had to know that he was toast the second the movie started.


one of my favorite movies ,tim roths performance is monumental.


Was refreshing to see a movie where a character like josh shapira actually sees consequences for his actions instead of making him look like some kind of hero.


i'm in agreement with the poster, this film is one of my all time favourites; second only to apocalypse now redux and followed sharply by soderbergh's solaris.



If anything his work since has been a step backwards. Probably an attempt to reach a more commercial audience. Pity.



It was intense and very cold. Much different from a lot of other movies I've seen. Very sad, too. I love movies with melancholy endings.

I love it. It's a very grim movie that just rips your heart out. That's a very difficult thing to accomplish in a movie these days.


Little Odessa is one of the best neo-noir films ever made, and one of the better American films ever made - head and shoulders above almost everything.

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Excellent film, top notch cinematography...James Gray is a filmmakers filmmaker.


Little Odessa is one of those films that can be watched again and again without getting boring a 10\10. great acting by the whole cast James Gray's "We own the night" had a similar style

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today



