Extended Edition?

Has anyone ever seen it?




Yes. It runs 129 minutes.
And it is now available in the UK on DVD and blu ray (the extended cut is still DVD). Too bad this film has not received such care in the states.


It's not great. The added scenes are crappy quality and very few of them add anything to the movie.
It's an interesting curio, but the original cut is superior. No point in bloating out a great movie with non remastered sequences.
The rest of the extras are great though, fantastic commentary and interview heavy documentary.


It's not great. The added scenes are crappy quality and very few of them add anything to the movie.
It's an interesting curio, but the original cut is superior. No point in bloating out a great movie with non remastered sequences.
The rest of the extras are great though, fantastic commentary and interview heavy documentary.

Really? I've always wanted to see them, because the screenwriter said that the deleted cheerleader roleplay sequence was part of a larger theme in the film.

Can you give an example of a change between the script and the film that perturbs you?

I don’t know if it perturbs me, but if there’s any remaining interest in this little movie, I can’t imagine that this will get anyone in trouble at this point in time, but I’ll give you something no one has ever written about. In the beginning, an acquisitions guy from ITC Entertainment recognized what was a quality script, but this company didn’t make quality scripts, so there was actually an under-the-radar intention to make a good movie without letting the executives know about it. The company basically wanted to make standard skin-e-max type stuff, and from what I gather, that’s how this film was pitched.

The funny story pertaining to what you just asked, is that there was a theme of sexual role-playing in the script, and they shot a scene in a high school gymnasium, where Mike and Bridget were playing out Mike’s high school fantasy of having sex with the sexy cheerleader. Linda was wearing a cheerleading outfit, and I scripted her topless, but in wardrobe, Linda decided it would be kinkier if she wore a pair of suspenders. Apparently, a guy from the company who was monitoring things and watching the dailies, saw the suspenders over Linda’s nipples, and shouted out, “Are we making an art movie?!” He shut down production and called the principals on the carpet and they all had to pledge that they had no artistic pretensions, then he punished them by not paying them that half day of production and by forbidding that scene from being in the movie, which ruined the whole sexual role-playing theme. If you watch the movie, there’s one remaining hint of it in the three scene at the end, with Bridget, Mike and Clay, where Clay says something to the effect of, “Baby, you were one hell of a sexy nun.”

And that scene also showed vestiges of the role-playing, when Bridget says to Mike: “I’m Trish! Rape me!” and Mike was able to slip into that role very quickly.

I forgot about that. Yeah. Because that can stand alone, even without the role-playing stuff setting it up. It’s the “nun” line that just makes absolutely no sense.



Agree with Vultures - the extra scenes are really jarring, a sudden drop in picture quality and NUMBERS across the screen! None of them add much to the story, though I confess I enjoyed what I could see of the sexy gym scene through the murk.



Is it possible to find the DVD in the States anywhere? I'd LOVE to listen to the commentary!


You can buy it online, but you need a region free DVD player to watch it.
