Do you remember the old animated movie about a door and black ooze?

it it has this boy who flies to this fantasy kingdom on his bed and ends up meeting the king and his daughter. there is this door that is accidentally opened and this black ooze stuff comes out and sucks up the king so the boy has to try and rescue him from the sludge. if anyone knows this movie it would be great to get some feedback.


Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland


deffinitly nemo, but what an odd place to ask the question...there were hardly any posters on this movie...

"Dag-nabbit! Everytime me and paw get in the mood, you kids show up!"


Yes I know this is four years after your comment. I'll probably never see this comment again after I post it.
But I was looking up Land Before Time and just a few minutes ago I saw a reference somewhere else to this Nemo film. Don't' really know what reliance it is to this though, infact.

Well just making bad conversation.
Hi, how are you? You are good? Me too. Speak to you later. Bye.

I'm gonna go now...


I'm just posting this from the future, don't mind me.
