Robert Downey Jr.?

I was watching this movie yesterday with my dad and my brother. It was on TV and it was the only thing we could all agree on. Haha.

Anyway, Arnold has been "with child" for 4 weeks and it shows him with morning sickness in the lab. After he complains about his nipples being sore, a young lab assistant (I suppose) comes up to him and asks if he surfs. We noticed that the assistant sure looks a lot like Robert Downey Jr.

I was wondering if anyone knew whether that was him or not. And if it's not Robert Downey Jr., does anybody know who it is?


Nope, that was not Robert Downey, Jr. It did look a little like a skinny Hank Azaria (the guy who does the voices on the Simpsons) but I doubt that it was even that guy!


Matt Birman was the lab security guard (uncredited)
