MovieChat Forums > Junior (1994) Discussion > how the hell did the baby receive nutrie...

how the hell did the baby receive nutrient?

There is no ambilical cord... or did they ever explain that in the movie?


From big momma Schwarzenegger muscles. Come on when your momma is Mr.Universe and Olympia, you dont have to worry about nutrition.



Epic post! I'm certain there's atleast one person out there that gave the Star Wars films a low score because of odd things like that. XD Home to all mutants.


BRAVO!!!, The most intelligent comment I've ever seen here. I hate when people can't enjoy the movies without analyzing every single aspect of them!



I love the movie junior and i also hate when people say some bad things about the movies that i like to watch.


King Rishab:



KellerO is correct.

The umbilical cord and placenta both originate as parts of the embryo, not of the mother's womb. The embryo can, therefore, implant outside the womb - this is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy. Such pregnancies usually result in serious symptoms and would be life-threatening if not terminated. However, a mother in Australia did carry an ectopic pregnancy to term and gave birth (by cesarean, of course) earlier this year:,23599,23782145-2,00.html

My Movies:


That's what happens in eptopic pregnancys isn't it? IDK


hey just a movie.leave your analizing alone and just watch.
of course a man could not have a kid....NEVER we know that.



I watched it on tv today as well. I was rather stoned however so I wasnt too fussed about the realism.


Time travel is also not possible, but we still watch movies about it.


The baby DID have an umbilical cord. The cord/placenta is formed days/weeks after the baby attaches to the uterine wall (or in this case, the abdominal cavity). Blood from the "mom" gives the growing fetus it's nutrients, and not the uterus itself; Therefore, if this were possible, the child would have gotten its nutrients from Arnold's blood.

A more appropriate question would be "How did the baby attach to the abdominal wall and maintain itself with out the hormonal support of the corpus luteum?" (the "left overs" of the ovarian follicle (aka mature egg) that sustains a fertilized egg until the placenta can take over- usually the placenta is fully functional by the end of the first trimster of a pregnancy or approx 12 wks.)

The answer to that would be the "Expectain" which is designed to support a pregnancy that otherwise would selfterminate or miscarry.

So, Arnold takes hormones/expectain to get baby going, and keep baby growing. Baby gets nutrients throug the umbilical cord via Arnold's blood, and baby makes it to term - healthy and normal...

Try not to analyze so much... its called fiction for a reason.


It does make sense, but the fact is, it is a movie, and as everybody knows not all movies make sense. It also could have received nutrients from the drug that "The Governator" took, you know expectane.


King-Rishab, i love you man!!! That was the best answer ever LOL


its possible, male baboons have given birth since the 70's. plus the body is very adaptable and can change things to make things better, hell the testes are just the female ovaries but lower down.


>>>>male baboons have given birth since the 70's.<<<<<

please provide evidence (a link?) to substantiate this claim.

>>>>the testes are just the female ovaries but lower down.<<<<<

and they produce sperm rather than ovum (eggs) and the hormone testosterone rather than progesterone.



It received a lot of wooden polyesters from the acting.




The placenta develops from the implanted/fertilized egg which then makes itself at home attaching to the intestines. The placenta implantation then does what it always does, transfers nutrients from the host body. Basically a fetus is a parasite and gets its nutrients from tapping into the body any which way it can by way of the umbilical cord which connects the baby to the placenta which occurs in the first few days after implantation.Not WEEKS as a previous poster stated. Must be a male. Women who have been pregnant should know better.
