When was it set?

Does anyone know roughly when the film is meant to be set?


probably sometime in the late nineteenth or very early 20th century, can't remember if kipling ever mentioned a date in the book


the book is said to take place during the Victorian era, yet in the movie, Mowgli and Kitty look at a portrait of a "King Louis, of France." There was no King Louis of France during the Victorian Era. The revolution occurred at the same time as the American Revolution. I believe that Napoleon was ruling France during the Victorian era. Also, another way there couldn't possibly be a King Louis during the Victorian Era was because the last King Louis, Louis XVI, was executed during the the revolution. His son, who was almost King Louis XVII, was also executed as a child, while in the Bastille with his mother and sisters. That had always confused me.

Wolverine: Hey hey, it's me.
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Ok.


@ hotactors4ever... I think we still call dead kings "King", like "King Richard of England", even though the last king Richard died centuries ago.


India was under 'Crown' rule between 1858 to 1919. Kipling wrote 12 stories about Mowgli & his animal friends between 1894 & 1902. Hope that gives you some kind of time frame.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


Thanks, it does. Recently I've been watching some films set in Ripper-era London, and the women dress very similarly to Kitty and her friends.


The Victorian era was the period of time that Queen Victoria reigned which was from 1837-1901, long after the French Revolution which ended around 1799.
