This is why I love It's Pat

Okay, most people think this movie sucks donkey balls...
And it will never be in someone's top 1000.
But you know why I love It's Pat?

Because I am a gender-bender myself, who on many many occasions been looked at and been asked, "What the hell is that!!!!"

The fact that Pat finds Chris and they are happy, gives me hope that I too can find someone to love and accept me totally...

Plus, I love Kathy Najimy! I think she was so much more attractive and hilarious before she lost all her weight...


Never be on someone's Top 1000?? This is my favorite movie of all time. Seriously, honest to God, I've probably seen this movie 25 times. I crack up all the way through. I don't understand why people hate it so much.

And I also love Dave Foley. Just icing on the cake.


I love this movie because it's just totally funny. I mean come on, it's not exactly Oscar material, but who cares?
The only thing that you have to really think about is just WHAT is Pat? just when you think you've got it nailed, something else comes along to blow your conclusion out of the water.

I had this movie on tape, and I used to watch every single morning when I came home from night shift. It was light, it didn't take any brain activity, and I went to sleep relaxed and with a smile.

Also, HUGE fan of Ween--HUGE. Had a major crush on Dean Ween for a long time.....

I wish I could find this on DVD here in Oz. unfortunately, not many people I know are familiary with SNL, so they just wouldn't get it.....I'd have to watch it alone......which is fine! lol


Julia Sweeney, David Foley, Charles Rocket, Kathy Najimy, and Kathy Griffin are all hilarious! And the music from Ween is a bonus as well! I've seen this movie many times, and it never fails to make me smile-or laugh!

