Ween fan-should I buy this?

Hey all you Ween fans out there,
I heard that Ween are in this movie, but I heard
this film sucks donkey balls.
I know Tarantino worked on the script, uncredited.....so
it should be tolerable. I don't know.
Should I bother buying it or what?
And what song do they sing in the movie?
Any suggestions would do.


Buy it or not, whatever. If it ever comes on a movie channel or whatever, just tape it. Ween is in the film for about 6 minutes halfway, and then a few more minutes at the end.
They play a live Pork Roll Egg and Cheese, and the Pure Guava album version of Don't Get 2 Close 2 my Fantasy.

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


Ok, cool I think I'll just wait and tape off
of TV like ya said. Cool that they are in the
movie for 6 minutes.
Do you have Ween's new live CD? I have Painting
the Town Brown already and I only want one song
off the new album called "Booze Me Up and Get Me
High" I heard it when I saw them live and fell in
love with it.
Seen em live yet?


I didn't see them live yet, but I hope so when they tour again. And by the way, I have EVERY Ween album, including other crap they released over the internet.

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


i would buy it if i was you!
not only is it a great moie
but ween plays a cupple times and do some acting so that is just a bonus to this allready great film ^_^

hehe plus the movie was only $9 canadian at wal-mart i think.


their cameo's and gig is on youtube..............no prob if you don't buy it.

Brownies greetings


As a Ween fan, you probably like things that are annoying on purpose. You would definitely want a copy of this movie.


"As a Ween fan, you probably like things that are annoying on purpose."

*beep* YOU, MORON.




ween is the worst band I have ever heard. they suck!!! stupid pot smoking dorks.


raisetheflag 4 days ago (Wed Dec 14 2005 00:39:30 )
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ween is the best band I have ever heard. they rule all over my ass!!! i love you pot smoking idols.


We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


What do you listen to?


I'm a huge Ween fan, but I have not even seen this movie. I only just recently heard they were in it. I still haven't come to a point where I feel I need to see it.




what april 10?


The movie is stupid but, I thought it was funny.

Damn!!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S!


This movie is not stupid, it is brilliantly hilarious, you can watch it over and over and it will still have you laughing your ass off, buy it!


actually i think you should rent this. i've never seen it on any moviue channel. i bought it for ween cause it was only like 10 bucks. plus at the time i really liked this movie. dont ask.


Ween is awesome.



Just buy their real DVD- don't subject yourself to the awfulness of this dreadful dreadful film.
