Why wasn't the second half about Laure Marsac's character?

So let's face it, Interview With the Vampire isn't a great film. But getting to see Laure Marsac's private parts make it worth watching.
What if her part wasn't just a 2 minute clip where she dies at the end of it. What if she found out what was going on before it was too late, she fights the fledglings, Think Uma Thurman vs the Crazy 88. Then it's just her and Armaund. She fights him one on one, he's stronger than the fledglings but she overpowers him.
Laure abandons her torn dress and chemise, grabs Armaund's cape and wears nothing but that for the rest of the film. She hunts vampires as a kind of cross between Buffy and Kekko Kamen. Let it kind of Louis' story about him regretting his decision to take Lestat's Blood. We have Laure, the naked Vampire Slayer.
Hmm, the three most important character in the film begin with L, wonder if that was a coincidence.
Maybe Laure would eventually slay Lestat and Louis. While there are vampires alive the curse exists.
Or maybe it could be that Louis makes her a vampire, the only way she can live long enough to get them all. In the end there are Laure and one other vampire, it is early morning. she fights the second last vampire. As she slays it the sun can be seen rising. She throws her cape aside, ready to embrace the sun's rays and end vampirism once and for all, but that doesn't happen, she feels warmth, the teeth marks from her neck disappear. She reallises that the sun will not harm her, she is mortal again and can live her mortal life.
If I ever found myself remaking Interview With the Vampire that's totally how I'd do it.
Would probably need t be a different actress but I'd call the character Laure in the remake out of respect to Laure Marsac.
Maybe it could be Interview With the Vampire Huntress. In the interview she'd have normal clothes on. Her story begins with the theater and she becomes Kekko Buffy. When the reporter asks her to turn him she just calls him an idiot and leaves. A Lestat like vampire later grabs the reporter and it's confirmed that he does turn him. Laure then appears wearing only her cape, tears the roof from the car allowing sunlight to drench Lestat and the reporter, she is shielded by her cape. She tells him he should have listened.
