Most beautiful actress in this film (other than Dunst)?

With the exception of Kirsten Dunst, who of the following actresses in this film do you consider the most beautiful?

Thandie Newton (Yvette)
Indra Ove (New Orleans Whore)
Laure Marsac (Mortal Woman on Stage)
Domiziana Giordano (Madeleine)
Sara Stockbridge (Estelle)

I definitely prefer Laure Marsac and Domiziana Giordano in terms of beauty even though their roles were brief here.

Are there any other secondary actresses here who consider the most beautiful in addition to the ones listed above?




Thandie 100% above all the others!


I prefer Laure Marsac (Mortal Woman on Stage), though Ms. Giordano is the most memorable regarding her performance and impact on the story narrative...

Besides Marsac's death, I also felt very sorry for Thandie Newton's character's pain. (wow, I never even knew that, that was her until your post. Just 'wow' indeed!)


Thandie/yvette. And at close second Madeleine
