MovieChat Forums > Immortal Beloved (1995) Discussion > expressing gratitude to Bernard Rose

expressing gratitude to Bernard Rose

I wish there were a way, as with an address, to express gratitude and admiration to Bernard Rose, the writer and director of Immortal Beloved.

After putting heart and soul into Immortal Beloved, and so obviously succeeding in his efforts, and then to be ignored by critics who couldn't write a shopping list or direct a trip to the beach.... He needs to hear from us that he was talented and is appreciated.

I'd also want to express admiration to those responsible for taking us back to Austria two hundred years ago. The photography, the clothing, the cannons, the castles, I'm in awe of how well it was done and how much it added to the film.


I agree.

The Last Master


I am pretty stunned that such a good film was made at all. So, I, too, would like to tell Bernard Rose.

I saw it again tonight. Really enjoyed it all over again.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
