When they went to see James, what was w/ the screamin' kid in the little room, and why did givin' him a watch help?
Always confused


He was part of a time-deprivation experiment. He was going mad because he didn't know what time it was (and, presumably, they were keeping the lights on all day and night).

Giving him the watch had a double effect: It calmed an anxious subject, and it ruined the arrogant scientist's experiment. ;-)


Actually, I believe this experiment is more based on the subject not knowing how long he had been in the booth.


Perhaps. Regardless, the watch calmed him. So, unless it had a calendar feature, apparently knowing the time is what calmed him.


James Morland's casual attitude about using students instead of monkeys was darkly humorous.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies
