MovieChat Forums > The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) Discussion > am i the only one who hated this?

am i the only one who hated this?

it was cheesy and boring! i abhorred it, but everyone i know raves about it. i don't understand why.


the only complaint i'll make to you is that you are apparently the first person to start a topic saying you didnt enjoy it. haha

i just saw it for the second time and just enjoyed it really. it has humor in it, but to me its not laugh out loud funny. there are some interesting parts like the time stopping and hula-hoop/frisby inventions, not to mention it shows what happens when you're a famous businessman and you let your ego get to you. and there are recurring lines like the girl quitting and the elevator boy/Barnes being fired in the same way (crawling)

try it again and if you dont like it, so be it. doesnt affect me


Most people seem to either love or hate the Coen brother's movies. I love many of them, but Hudsucker's probably my favorite. Here are a few more Coen brother's movies people often hate, but I love, (particularly #1): (1) Barton Fink, (2) Raising Arizona (3) O Brother, Where Art Thou? (4) The Big Lebowski

("it was cheesy and boring! i abhorred it, but everyone i
know raves about it. i don't understand why.")

I know what you mean, I'm one of the few people in America who didn't care for The Dark Knight (actually I've never seen so many people get up and leave right in the middle of a movie before in my whole life!). But when I mention it on the internet, I get attacked, mercilessly. Oh well.


I don't know that many people hate O Brother, Where Art Thou? or Big Lebowski. Most people I know love them.

I think the Coen Brothers are extremely overrated. But I do like The Hudsucker Proxy a lot.


even after their recent acclaim...the Coens are still underrated


i havent seen this film but I'd like to sometime. I really am not Coen Brothers fan at all. the one film i REALLY don't get is The Big Lebowski - i know lots of people, some of whom have similar tastes to mine, who really like that movie and I can't stand it. i dunno.


I think someone made a point a few months back on these boards that Hudsucker seems the only movie which doesn´t have "the worst movie ever" kind of a thread. Now it does. Mkay.


There are just some movies we aren't ready to appreciate yet.. This movie to me is very special.. and let me chirp in the usual hate for "tdk" just cause I can..

It's my understanding having replayed it for some the other day.. it's forgotten about.. If there’s one coen movie that gives me a bad taste in my mouth besides for the awful years of ladykillers/unfunny marriage movie.. it's Oh Brother Where are Though.. for some reason I too have not found much to appreciate about this movie yet..


Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Cheer up Saw 27 is out soon.


To add to sionxxii's reply...maybe Oceans 15 is more up your alley. Im sure that dreadful crap will be out soon.

One more friendship ends, and then for a while I can breathe again.


I love most of the Coens films but I have to say this and 'O brother where art thou' were poor (in my opinion). I just couldnt get into either film and didnt make to the end of the THP.

Fargo and The man who wasn't there are both superb


I'm with you. Had to turn it off after less than 15 minutes. I thought this movie was a great example of how great actors could fall flat on their faces with a lousy, unbelievable, way over-the-top script. At least I learned something - never rent a Coen Brothers movie ever again!


I disagree. The Coens are my favorite directors of all time, and I love almost all of their movies. At the same time, their movies are not for everyone. Their humor and style are unusual and unconventional, and I can totally understand why you might not like them. At the same time, just because you didn't like this one doesn't mean you should never rent another. I'd recommend Barton Fink, The Man Who Wasn't There, and Fargo for slightly less over-the-top and ridiculous stories.


That's like refusing to see another Mike Nichols movie because "Wolf" was crap. Or Francis Ford Coppola because you didn't like "The Rainmaker". Or Adam Sandler because everything he's been in was f!cking terrible.


Then, leave. Nobody needs you.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.



I didn't like it and I like a lot of Coen brothers films. I didn't like Jennifer Jason Leigh's performance either and I usually like everything she does. I didn't like Paul Newman or his character either!

Some things they do in this, and other films, are just not finely tuned and subtle enough; they clunk a little. I came to watch this film after feeling the same way about Burn After Reading.
I think you have to make a lot of not so good things to get tot he good things though.


You can't really hate this movie... dislike, yes. But not hate.

I didn't think it was too bad, but it was definitely an average movie. Some bits were hilarious though.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.


I also hated it. I just don't like the Coen brothers' cynical, semi-comedy semi-drama style. I didn't like Fargo either, but The Hodsucker proxy I found terrible.

I don't want realism. I want magic!


What´s so cynical about Coens in general and Hudsucker in particular? Do you really need to make obvious weepies in order to be considered humane?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Ah. You're one of those people who prefer to see the same six movies their entire life. "Variation" & "originality" are dirty words to you, correct?

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
