MovieChat Forums > The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) Discussion > My favorite Coen film - am I the only on...

My favorite Coen film - am I the only one?

I've been completely bewildered reading these boards! I love the Coen Brothers, and Hudsucker Proxy is easily my favorite movie, so imagine my surprise to find so many people unhappy with it.

It seems to me that the biggest complaints are with the music and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Well, as for the music, I honestly didn't notice, but it's not unlike the Coen's to have some strange sound elements (god, the fan in Blood Simple? talk about grating), but! But Jennifer Jason Leigh was the reason I loved the movie initially. I think she's charming and funny. I love the "shut up" scene, which I think really encapsulates her character best: fast-talking, ball-busting, knows-what-she-wants kind of gal. It was all very His Girl Friday, which works so well for a movie this campy.

I think that may be the biggest complaint with the movie at large: it's campy as hell. The Coen's movies have a tendency to revel in a sort of dry, acerbic humor (excluding, of course, The Big Lebowski ((who can qualify that?))), and Hudsucker does break that chain.

I love the camp, the slightly off screw-ball comedy. I love the concept ("you know, for kids" being one of my favorite movie quotes ever). Anyone here like it as much as I do?


It's hard for me to pick a favorite, but I've always loved Hudsucker Proxy. It's not exactly shocking that people tend not to like it though. Most people aren't fans of old screwball comedy, and many of those that are still find this film to be a cheap parody with no heart. To an extent I see where they are coming from, but I think that also implies you're EXPECTING this movie to be an honest romantic/comedy/drama film with true emotion and believing it fails at that... when, in fact, it is pretty obviously more of a parody and (as you say) camp take on old screwball movies. Nobody ever puts down Young Frankenstein for lacking "heart."

Either way, I just came on to see what people were saying about this film as I just got back from a double feature of The Big Lebowski/The Hudsucker Proxy. Lebowski was packed (although, I AM in Los Angeles which surely contributes) and only about a third of the theatre stuck around for Hud. Those that did obvioiusly loved it though. I thought it was fantastic to see it on a big screen... Looked great.


It's definitely my favorite Coen movie. I don't see why people would have a problem with it. Maybe it's just too charming for people in this world of violent, action packed dramas. It's not like a lot of other Coen movies... it has no mysteries or funny little plot twists. In fact, it's blatant and simple... which makes it sweet and old fashioned... just as I think the Coens intended it to be.
Of course... I don't think one should watch this film for the storyline... one should watch if for the camera shots... ones that harken back to 'Citizen Kane'. It's brilliantly filmed...

To me... 'The Hudsucker Proxy' is a complete gem and what I think is the perfect movie.

†Daintier, Smarter, Better Dressed†


The Hudsucker Proxy is actually just about the only Coen Bros movie I like.

Science IS fiction


Same here, glad to know I'm not alone on that one. I can hardly watch any of their others.




It is also my favorite Joel and Ethan Coen film. The movie is visually amazing, as well as equally hilarious and touching, with one hell of a great music score. Buzz, the elevator operator, is without a question one of the funniest characters ever put on screen.


This and Raising Arizona battle for my favorite Coen Bros. film title, with the winner being the one I've seen most recently. I love this movie. And Jennifer Jason Leigh is one of the best things about it. Watch HP and The Aviator back to back and tell me who is a better Katherine Hepburn. The camerawork is over the top and perfect at the same time. So many great lines. The Muncie fight song... The look on Time Robbin's face after the slap and saying "Oklahoma?"
Wallace: "It's YOU!"
(Spoken to Feathers McGraw after he removes the red glove disguise.)


This film is really amazing. My drama teacher showed it to us saying "You have probably never heard of this film, let alone seen it" I've never undestood why its always a cursory mention in the Coen's filmography. Its hard to pick favorites but this might be it. Of course I'm really really excited about No Country for Old Men.


I agree with the OP. I'm not a Coen's bros. fan at all but I loved this movie. It's absolutely hysterical!


just seen The Hudsuker Proxy again (haven't seen it in along time)and it still as good as i remembered. it was the first Coean film that i saw so i tend to use this film as a bench mark for all other Coen films.

there's a Monty Python / Terry Gillian feel to it in the way that it looks and it's surreal humor. also theres a Lonney Tunes performance from Tim Robins which is just amazing he's such a underrated comedy performer.

the fact this film wasn't a success actually works in it's favour as it's a film that people will discover rather than be told it's good.

sure it's 10 or 15 mins to long and Jennifer Jason Leigh accent is a little annoying but no film is ever perfect.


This isn't my favorite Coen Bros. film (that would be either Lebowski or No Country) but it IS an amazing film, and Jennifer Jason Leigh was possibly the best part.


Well, its not my favorite of theirs but I did really like it and I don't get why it was frowned upon by so many critics. I thought it was funny and I had a great time watching it.


Easily my favorite Coen brothers film, just for the sheer joy of filmmaking in it. The set design,lighting and cinematography are breathtaking. I found the music to be a huge part of the film, practically a character in itself, and it's such a perfect reflection of the movies it spoofs.
I think Leigh was hysterical as Amy Archer.
And Tim Robbins has never been so physically funny since.
The opening sequence is pure movie magic, and anyone who hasn't seen it on the big screen has missed the sheer breathtaking beauty of that opening.


Im also always surprised how under-rated this film is, OK it's a total pastiche of 30's screwball comedys but it's just done so well and it's so inventive. I'm not going to argue with anyone about favourite films but this film really deserves better. JJ Leigh is a revelation, and every scene is hilarious. Buzz, Mussbergers wife, the kid who first hula-hoops, and how on earth did they turn a circle into 3 great inventions from that time (hula-hoop, bendy straw and frisbee).
Lebowski for me is one of their worst films, it's totally 'cult' but has no real thread and is a lot of scenes and characters stuck together (though I still love it).
... but discussing favourite Coen films is like that joke ..
Q: How would you describe the worst BJ you ever had?
A: Fantastic!!

best lines? not that way, through the DOOR! ... not counting the mezanine ... where you would die like a misherable shvine ... how about Oklahoma? ... do you know him? ... you know, for kids ... and they dock ya ... the prizelitser pyool winner ... etc etc etc


This is my favorite of the coen movies without question.. it has a lot more to do with the story and the message of the story..

I was not impressed with the much acclaimed "Country for Old Men" and while it's a return to coens more normal work it's apparently just a vehicle for them to get some much deserved academy's..


Easily my favorite Coen film, with Raising Arizona a close second. ,


This movie changed everything I felt can be made with film. Brilliant! Just Brilliant.

This and Kubrick's "2001" are neck to neck as my favorite of all time. I didn't think anything can come close to "2001" in my life time but here it is.

Just my opinion.


I've seen every Coens Brothers film at least twice each, and The Hudsucker Proxy is my favorite.

Absolute brilliance.


I'm not a huge Coen Brothers fan, but Hudsucker Proxy is my favorite. Probably because it is unlike most of their movies.


I didn't find it to be unlike their other movies...but that's cool.

My favorites are The Big Lebowski and Miller's Crossing...with The Hudsucker Proxy, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, and Raising Arizona right behind them
