Brazil anyone?

I mean, isn't it obvious?


Yeah, pretty obvious. I love it.


Ummmm, this movie takes place in the Big Apple, which is in the US and A.
NOWHERE near Brazil!

Is there blood in my hair? Is there blood in my hair?


'Brazil' is a name of a {great} Movie made by Terry Gilliam.
In the Movie Brazil is a state of mind far, far away from where the lead character is.
The poster was referring to a thematic simularity with 'Hudsucker' and 'Brazil'.


I know.
Guess I need to postscript my jokes with "lol j/k!"

In your right hand, there are pleasures forever. --Psalm 16:11


Yes that would help to make your intent clear!
If you don't have laughing Smileys try :)


Zuul. I'm afraid that with some people an air raid siren or at least a loud firecracker may be necessary. In actual conversation these people are dumbfounded by dead pan humor.

"By God, I heard the crow call my name!" exclaimed Caw.


Sarcasm can be difficult to convey through text. It doesn't make someone stupid if they're unable to pick up on written sarcasm.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


You're truly stupid if you think what he said can't be construed as serious on the internet. There are way more dumb people than sarcastic people here.


weird. I was just on the Brazil Message Board. Both of these movies are on my top ten list. So great.



Ehmm, well, no, it isn't obvious to me.

I like both movies very much, but may be you could elaborate on this? (Serious question.)


The look and feel is Gilliamesque, no doubt of that. Likewise with "The Fifth Element", which is more Gilliam like than 12 Monkeys.

That aside, Brazil was an obvious re-visioning of 1984, a real headgame playing with what is real, and how can you be human in some societies. So, I guess I could be sidled towards rethinking Hudsucker in terms of Brazil and 1984. It's just hard to see when an incarnation of NY in its heyday is presented as a dystopia. It is easier to see it as a Brewsters Millions type film (okay, that was 45 not 58).


I'm watching this on Dave at the moment and the comparison with Brazil struck me aboutr ten minutes into the film. I watch films with the idmb open on my laptop so that I can check out details, trivia and casting and the like. So was happy to find this thread on the message board which seems to confirm my judgement.

Another comparison occurs to me, another cult film - Putney Swope anyone?


I understand the comparison but thought Brazil was pretty dire TBH, THP is quite good (bit slow to start with).


Both of these are on my list of favorite films... and sure (sure) the similarity is there on the surface. The 'Ministry' of Brazil and the Hud are both huge, impersonal, bureaucratic machines and both are presented somewhat whimsically. But in THP the machine deep down has a kind of magic (the clock) and a heart of gold (Moses). In Brazil, the heart of the machine is cold, indifferent, sinister. Its "whimsy" corrupts and destroys. There is no hope of redemption.

Gilliam's "The Crimson Permanent Assurance" from The Meaning of Life on the other hand... :)


The "filing cabinet wall" in Sid Mussburger's secretary's office seems to me to be a direct reference to the poster of Brazil. Stunningly beautiful poster too, btw!


exACTLY. and the office full of rows of desks seemed like a similar design in the most recent The Producers(made after HP.)

The way to have what we want
Is to share what we have.


I agree -- Brazil is way bleaker - Hudsucker has some hope and even elegance in its dark humour. There is definitely a sister-sense to these two films, tho - perhaps more in their pure brilliance.


The difference is this movie is actually good.

[brace for flame]

This is ****ed. No money, no weed... it's all been replaced by a pile of corpses.


I'm afraid I can't agree that these two films are obviously all that similar. Sure, sure...maybe the style of the clothes and some of the sets but when I watch one, I don't think of the other. I suppose everything is in the eye of the beholder. Irregardlessly [sic], they’re still two of my favorites.


I noticed the similarity before I saw this thread. But like I said: one I liked, one I hated.

This is ****ed. No money, no weed... it's all been replaced by a pile of corpses.
