
a bilal rip off..

this character was so lame..

a big reason why this movie sucks is because they didnt have enough of the old characters from the first 2 movies..such ass the racist cops,full force,jamal,bilal,chill, etc


Yeh I really wanted to like this movie as I am a kid n play fan but they just didnt av the goods, its a shame.


Stinky was nothing like Bilal. I know what you are saying about the others not returning. It can be a bummer. But there are some hilarious roles in this too. I think Immature is decent. But Uncle Vester and Showboat are both great. And the little things. The blind rappers. Chris Tucker. Ex-con caterering company. Even that crazy maniac that comes to the hotel and rips into the food.

Everybody thought the Friday franchise was going to suck without Chris Tucker. Friday is easily the best of the three. But when I watch Friday After Next, I laugh harder still than I ever did at the first one. Mike Epps just kills me in the third one.

Its never the same without the original cast memebers, but its not always bad.


Stinky is actually Chris Martin's cousin in real life who appeared on the second season of the real world in LA. David Edwards is his name and the guy is a big A-Hole who I tried over the years to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the guy is a real psycho.


I thought stinky was decent in this movie....not great but not bad either
