MovieChat Forums > Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1995) Discussion > If MacLeod killed Kane, then why is Kell...

If MacLeod killed Kane, then why is Kell more powerful?

I've seen Highlander 1, 2, and Endgame. I haven't seen Highlander 3 yet, but I saw a trailer of it on the Endgame dvd. In the trailer, Kane looks pretty freakin' powerful, he's not just a great fighter, he actually had some supernatural abilities, which no one else in the films seem to have. Keep in mind that I haven't actually seen the movie yet, this is just from what I saw.

My question is, if MacLeod kills Kane and receives his quickening, then why does he suck against Kell? Kell didn't gain any special abilities after killing all 661 immortals, he just becomes stronger. It seems like the difference between Kane and Kell is the same as the Emperor vs. Mace Windu--powerful force user vs. powerful and skilled fighter.

I would think that MacLeod would be able to make short work of Kell, he actually does in one alternate ending to Endgame:

I hope someone is able to shed some light on this topic.


Endgame ignores Highlander 3 (as well as Highlander 2 for obvious reasons). Endgame is a continuation of the TV series which in turn only acknowledges the first Highlander film but ignores the fact that the Kurgan and Connor were the last remaining immortals.

Highlander 3 with Kane and his two henchmen are simply not part of the Endgame timeline/universe nor are Kell, Jin Ke, Methos, Duncan, Kate/Faith and the rest part of H3's timeline/universe. In Highlander The Final Dimension (aka The Sorcerer) Connor, Kane and his henchmen are yet again the last remaining immortals fighting for the Prize.

500 years ago on the planet Zeist


Yeah, I've read the posts that rightfully point out that the continuity in the main Highlander universe is full of holes. If I remade the Highlander universe, I would make it in the following format: Highlander--Highlander 3--Highlander 2: The Quickening (and without the whole alien idea!). The biggest problem with the original movies in terms of continuity, at least in my opinion, is that they made Highlander 2 in the future, and that pretty much set that Connor MacLeod would survive the third film, despite any problems of its canonization. I did like parts of Highlander 2, especially the five main recognizable actors, I think Michael Ironside is definitely underrated, but the secondary characters had pretty horrible acting, and the story and original special effects weren't too good.

