MovieChat Forums > Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1995) Discussion > was kane frozen or just trapped in a cav...

was kane frozen or just trapped in a cave?

I need proof that kane was or wasn't frozen to settle a bet.


There were stone carvings in Russian (Kane's native language) found by Alex and her associate during the excavation of the cave. Kind of hard to achieve that if they had been frozen.

500 years ago on the planet Zeist


Couldnt it had been carved by Nakano?
Nakano was the guy who lived in the cave that Kane killed.


Why would Nakano carve in Russian?

500 years ago on the planet Zeist


The argument is that since Nnakano was immortal and lived a long timed he could have know russian. Do you have anything else?


Nakano could have known Russian but why would he make those particular carvings *and* in Russian. Nakano isn't the type to carve that particular line anywhere or in any language for that matter. Kane on the other hand...

No, that carving is a dead giveaway they were conscious throughout their stay inside the cave. Anyone saying otherwise is grasping at straws. Besides, why would they be frozen? They were holed up inside a cave, completely blocked from the outer elements.

500 years ago on the planet Zeist


thats exactly what i said.


When they got out of the cave, Kane told his 2 cave-buddies they had to hunt down MacLeod and get revenge for making them wait 400 Years in a cave, if they were frozen for all of that time, why would he complain about having to wait so long? There's your proof...


It depends on which version you watch. He only says 400 years in the US version. All the other versions he says "all those years."

"Don't conform, be like us...."


Nakano's Cave was Kane's prison for 400 years. I doubt he was frozen.
