Is there any place to buy the PG 13 version of the DVD? I thought I had found it through Barnes and Noble, but when it arrived it was the R version. This is for my 14 year old son.


There is to this date no PG13 release on DVD, it was solely a theatrical release. There have been 2 DVD releases of H3 in the US and both are R-rated versions (the first being the true Director's Cut, the second and current being the international cut). They may air the PG13 version on TV but it is a crap-shoot if and when that cut would be aired.


Thank you. I was beginning to think it didn't exist. Now can quit running all over the place looking for it.


Just watch the movie with him, which is exactly what an "R" rating suggests you should do. I saw the European cut of this movie when I was 14 and I reckon I turned out alright :-P


He's 14. He doesn't want mom around when he watches a movie. I guess he will just have to wait a few years.


Dude I was like 11 when I saw the uncut version of this (17 now). ALL they add is a little sex/nudity, nothing a 14 year old would be scarred for seeing. And it was my mom who had me see Highlander and I loved it (watched it with her when I was 10 or 11), but she was supposed to watch Highlander 3 with me but she went out conviently while it was on. Good thing I guess :) I've seen the PG-13 one on TV recently and there is virtually no difference aside from that. Let him see it, it's the only real sequel to Highlander anyway. But thats rated R so I wonder why this movie is even brought up.

"Welcome to the Human Race"---Escape from L.A.


I really do not want to insult. But, I think there are much better movies to offer to your son, that this piece of garbage.


Yeah. I re-recorded the tape once for a class trip movie (just edited out the scene with the topless prostitute and the long, graphic sex scene later in the movie), but nobody wanted to see it anyway.

It's a lame movie, period! For die-hards only...
History vs. the Da Vinci Code


I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for a 14 year old, what with all the violence and the porn in it. If he has access to cable tv, he'll probably run into it eventually anyway. Like when I was between 10 and 13, all I did was watch late night cable and see Freddy's Dead, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, and other early 90s movies which I probably shouldn't have seen. But still, don't be naive. He's going to see it eventually anyway.


I don't think you know what 'porn' is defined as.


The definition recognized by most people is pretty broad.

But the second sex scene added to the movie is pretty graphic for a "mainstream" movie.

Just because a person can easily find far more graphic videos online doesn't mean that every parent would want to have their 14 year old watch this. (not mine, but I like it)


I was around 12-13 when I get into highlander. My dad rented us the first film, and even tho the one little sex scene was uncomfortable to watch with him sitting there, it was still great, the first R Rated film I saw! After that it was the series all the way, until I got my hands on HL III, which my friends and I used to call "The Highlander Porn" thanks to Mz. Unger not being so shy! Still, a fun low-bud flick with some nice sword play. A must-see if you are a HL fan. I'd say don't worry about it, seeing some sword fighting and celebrity bush isn't going to ruin you kid's life :P


LOL! I totally agree.

500 years ago on the planet Zeist
