Funniest quotes

Shame no quotes were on the board.

(While in the underworld)

Hercules: I can't believe you (forgot his name), standing side by side with Eryz, even after he killed your mother.

What?! You killed my mother?!

Hercules: Oh he, forgot to tell you?

Eryz chuckles apologetically" Sorry, she was just too ugly!"

You oversized b@stard! (attacks Eryx who snaps his neck)

Hercules to his friend: You're going to let him get away with that? He was a friend of yours'

Friend" He was my best friend! (heabutts Eryx in the chest and his neck is snapped)

(Eryz throws both bodies away like they were nothing. A little lady warrior runs up and kicks him in the privates and a major brawl ensues)
