UK Film 4

Well Film 4 have done it again! They're gonna show Pom Poko tomorrow at 3. Yay can't wait! The number of Ghibli movies I haven't seen is decreasing.


Gah, I only noticed this too late! Any idea if they're going to repeat it soon? I mean they usually show both the sub and dub anyway.


Its on again later this week, probably the japanese soundtrack second time round.


Ah yes, Friday at 3pm it seems. Better put a reminder on it so I don't forget. And at this rate it seems like Film4 is going to show all of the Ghibli films. I think its just My Neighbours the Yamadas, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and Only Yesterday they've yet to show.


I'm getting a good chance currently to catch the Ghibli movies on Film 4. They showing a season of them at 11 am during the entire Easter school holidays. I think adults can appreciate some of the films. I have found this film particularly accessible.
