MovieChat Forums > Guyver: Dark Hero (1994) Discussion > Was Crane honest about hating himself? V...

Was Crane honest about hating himself? Very interesting villain :)

Hey fellow Guyver fans :),

I've seen Guyver: Dark Hero as a kid and it has always been one of my favorite sci fi movies. Good acting, good plot, solid special effects - lightyears ahead of the first movie.
I've also watched the anime series. :)

When I recently watched Guyver: Dark Hero again, I noticed that his time they've brought in an interesting villain (not from the anime/manga, but has traits of some of the characters)- Crane, who becomes Guyver/Zoanoid. I really liked the dialogue between Crane and Sean, plus the Guyver Zoanoid fight was awesome beyond words. Also, it's interesting because I do believe that Crane honestly believed that he was a "freak", being a hideous zoanoid and all - and even though he tried messing with Sean's head, I don't think he was lying about hating himself being the way he is, and that he wanted Sean to be on their side.

I also love the scene whrere Guyver saves Cori from Crane, he kicks him and Crane says: "Why are you attacking your own kind, FREAK?! We could have HELPED you!!" I really do believe that there was SOME degree of honesty in Crane's words.

Plus, even though there isn't any mention of Guyver unit remover (like in the anime), but it's a safe bet that Crane was looking for one.

Also, it's an interesting take how Crane in the end wants the guyver unit all to himself, even going so far as to blowing off his own boss and the corporation all together. xD :)

What do other people think about this?

"The Right Man in the Wrong Place can make all the difference in the World..."
