
We gotta get this rating up, or people will think it's as bad as the original!


i totally agree with you. the first one sucked donkey balls but damn was the sequel awesome. i bought guyver 2 on dvd as soon as it came out but i will never own the first one ever unless if it was given to me free. guyver 2 is one of my fav films. its so cheesy but its good. i give a 9/10


i'm totally with you on that one, frankly i'm surprised this is at 4.9...


Nothing...NOTHING can come THAT bad. This is a masterpiece compared to that

"Well I Won't back Down...No I Won't Back Down..."


agreed. would be a dream to have a wicked 18+ rating remake.


Better as it is than the first, I can see this rating.

It does have a lot of parts that would be confusing to anyone that doesn't know about Guyver or has ever read the manga, a lot of parts that are pretty slowed down (like when he enters the ship and communicates with it, that's a pretty long sequence that only really makes sense to people who know the series)

Plus I can see how the Zoanoids to a lot of people would just look silly/goofy and what not.

It's not the greatest movie ever made, it does have wicked choreography and everyone who loves Guyver, does love this movie, but I can totally see how others wouldn't love it or would even hate it, so.


I gave it a 7 its darker than the first

part one is BAD,why Mark Hamill appeared and was used for the movie's
cover is ridiculous

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