MovieChat Forums > Guyver: Dark Hero (1994) Discussion > Stupid Guyver Fighting Stance

Stupid Guyver Fighting Stance

Dude, I love guyver, its awesome and they should make a high budget film(maybe someone on these forums should start sending in scripts?) but comon. What the hell is up with his fighting? Every time he hits someone he jumps away, flicks his wrists and u hear a click. Every friggin two seconds! Especially in the forest fighting the blue hedgehog thing. *flick* *CLICK* *flick* *CLICK* omfg!!! Dont get me wrong, the fight scenes are superb, but the clicking? that just doesnt work. The jet noises however are awesome when he does the punches and kicks and junk.

-end of pointless rant-


oh yeahhhhh...... like the guyver would just hit and 'not' move and get hit...its not like 'stick and move' was invented for fighting or anything...(OMG)...

think out side the box dude! would 'you' hit that "hedgehog thing" and not move??? i think you right outta there and gone!!!


I've studied many marital arts and the guyver doing that "stupid click flick" thing, i actually love it.

He puts his hands out to fight then turns them, then pwns the enemy.

Personally my verdict is that i like it.


Your inability to stay married does not make you an authority on "The Guyver", or his self-admittedly tiny genitalia.






when did he hit and click away then??? just seen it again... he only did it when he got hit or to avoid a hit! plus without the 'click click shing shing', the guyver would suck!!! but we all know he kick ass!


Good stuff :D


I liked Guyver's fighting stance and the noises that the armor makes in this movie. However in the first Guyver movie, he had a retarded stance whenever he was about to hit something but the movie's kinda silly anyway so I guess it fits.


This is a common occurrence when going from an armed stance to hand to hand combat. Standard hollywood protocol. Take away a the man's lightsaber, and he loses the will to live.
