Limo Driver -Earl

As much as she defended her driver Earl, and Doug hated him for allowing her to joy ride, he ended up using that basis to stage the kidnapping that Doug deduces that Earl was in on it because of the burns on his neck match the door cigarette lighter where she was sitting.

My question is being she is under secret service protection as former first lady, in reality how many years would Earl get as a Federal kidnapping charge. Although he would probably ask for a deal having given up his sister/b-n-law, Doug would probably not allow him to get away with that. But Earl would probably testify that Doug threatened him with a gun while in the hospital demanding him give up what he knew.

Any opinions.


American sentencing is a joke. The lawyers invioved in a case couldn't guess how many years unless they tailor a plea deal themselves, which is why so many cases involve deals.

This is where you can get life for stealing a loaf of bread, and only 5 years for intentionally killing someone. This is where using personal drugs and harming no one is the #1 reason to be in prison. Where the innocent are convinced by their lawyers to plead guilty, and where the clearly guilty plead innocent mocking the entire justice system. This is where Lindsay Lohan has kidnapped, committed grand theft auto, driven drunk, been high as a kite in drug tests, and has spent maybe a few days total in jail now not even going to jail for stealing a necklace as a what 10th felony plead down? a poor street child would be doing life at this point, yet Lohan already on probation just gets the probation "extended", as if it means anything.

No. No point in speculating what a fictional person would get when reality is unrealistic.


You get fined for $25,000 just for copying a DVD, and get investigated by the FBI, but you pay no restoration to the family if you burn down their home and only spend a year in jail.


The American judicial system has its flaws, yes, but in reality you would get many, many, many, years in prison for kidnapping and nearly killing a former first lady.

A Marine's Daughter
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