The hotel clerk

One of the funniest cameo scenes in this flick, was where Danny (Fox), goes to the ritzy hotel to try to stop Molly and Joe from consummating their relationship. The hotel clerk,played by veteran character actor Austin Pendelton, won't give him their room number. Try as he might with one pathetic BS reason after another, Danny has absolutely no success with this guy, who pointing to his name tag, says to Danny," Does this say Moron?" Pendelton's facial expressions throughout this scene were dead pan hilarious. Great ensemble movie.



Absolutely! A clear case of 'no small parts, just small actors!'

The process of getting there is the quality of being there


Yep,I agree with previous poster.

Kevin Mccarthy's cameo as the lawyer was deadpan hilarious as well.

And the guy who played the sports director was funny.And all three of them had very small roles.



this scene is funny to hell...


Austin Pendleton was very good in that scene.

It's that man again!!


Pendleton is even better in another Lynn collaboration. The stuttering public defender in "My Cousin Vinny". His opening remarks to the jury are pure gold.
