MovieChat Forums > Go Fish (1994) Discussion > worst movie i've seen in a while

worst movie i've seen in a while

I didn't find one positive thing about this movie, as hard as I tried to. I NEVER turn movies off, I'll always let them finish, but this is about the hardest I've EVER tried to keep a movie playing. The acting was terrible and I had no clue what point the movie was trying to make throughout the whole hour and 30mins.


I sadly have to agree. It's almost like sacrilege to complain about this movie in our community but it was really very poor on every level.


Painful to watch. I have no idea what it was trying to accomplish. I thought it was trying to come from a dyke POV, but there were enough things about it that mocked them and disinclined the viewer from wanting to relate. The clothes were horrid, the hair cuts were putrid, and the whole lifestyle seemed dirty and unnatural. All of the characters had many things about them that uglified them, and the script sounded like a high school play. This was the *beep* movie about alternative lifestyles I have ever seen.


You, Sir, are a bigot and a racist. Can I buy you a drink?

What Would Harry Do?


Complaining about the haircuts and clothing in a flick is pretty weak - if you didn't get the movie, you didn't get the movie, fair enough.

There's nothing really wrong with men. Lesbians are lesbians because they're attracted to girls, not because they hate guys.

"A lie is the truth, until you recognize it as a lie."


I have no issues with the haircuts, or with lesbians. And I GOT the movie... but honestly, there is a craft to filmmaking.

I went to film school, and one of my classmates clearly had no background in filmmaking, or understanding of the way films were made. When she was asked why she was in film school, since she clearly had no prior interest in the craft she said "If hockey were as influential as film, I wold be a hockey player".. well, great, but just like hockey, you couldn't strap on your skates, pick up a stick, and join the nhl.

Likewise, you don't pick up a camera and BAM you're a filmmaker. I can appreciate their wanting to get their message out there, but honestly, if this movie wasn't about lesbians, all you would be doing is making fun of the lack of craft. I remember one scene where there were tw characters talking in a bookstore, and they apparently didn't have a wide enough angle lens to get them both in the shot. So, rather than moving back, or cutting between the two, they do a sort of slow pan between them. at one point all you could see are their noses in the shot. This would be lack of direction, and not understanding the way to compose shots, or shoot a scene. its really inexcuseable.

So, hooray for lesbians. I'm all for their making films and expressing the issues in their community. But geez... learn how to make a film before you, you know, make a film. A lot of us made shorts on our own, or, Heaven forbid, took a class or read a book or something.



I accept your point about the technical filmmaking inadequacy (and I understand some mild resentment on the part of you and your classmates, the same way a classical singer training in a conservatory might puff with annoyance over the great heights of fame and money achieved by American Idol contestants or sub-par pop singers).

The acting, too, is embarrassing. And the point about "You would hate this movie if it weren't about lesbians" has some degree of truth. Actually, as a general avoider of the romantic comedy genre, it's safe to say that I wouldn't have seen this movie to begin with if it wasn't about lesbians. If you swap in a man for one of the female leads, you get a typical makeover story (shy, dowdy character comes out of their shell and love is found).

And yet...

For all of these acknowledged and massive flaws, none of them have proven fatal to my enjoyment of the film. The characters--despite being played by appallingly bad actors, who often flubbed or stuttered their lines which were then mysteriously left in to the final cuts---were engaging and even charming in some cases (Ely's particularly, but Kia was a benevolent presence and Daria gained added depth and pathos after the 'jury scene.' And Guinevere Turner's facial structure was mighty appealing to gaze upon, especially when paired with the spunky twinkle in her eye.

This is an odd case of my being shocked that I enjoyed and was even charmed by a movie I know to be objectively "bad." I might even re-watch it.


Well, good for you! If it works for you, then it works. I feel much the same about kevin smith's movies. the fact that the guy can't stage a scene and has absolutely no visual style bothers me to no end. It should be important, in a visual medium. Some people like his stuff, though. so hey.. good for them.

and i do have to take a bit of umbrage at the idea I am equate with people who "puff" about some person's success. It's not the success or lack thereof that I take issue with. It's the lack of respect for the craft of filmmaking, and the idea that all you have to have is a "point of view" or "an idea", and the rest of it is just tree trimming. Granted, I am in love with visual style, much as a writer might be in love with language or a painter might be in love with color or texture. Now, I can understand that not everyone appreciates visual style like I do, but there are given visual signifiers that we accept, and you really need to get those. And you need to learn to focus. And to do some degree of composition. I make the point about a few really awful shots in this film. It may have been my transfer, but I remember one conversation where they didn't frame either actor correctly, and only had the tips of their noses on certain occasions. That's just a matter of looking through the lens and telling your actors where to stand. It does bother me that I'm supposed to overlook that just because those noses belong to lesbians.

But hey, like I said, form is really unimportant if it doesn't bother the audience. So if you liked it, then it doesn't matter. Congratulations for having found something that you connect with. In all soncerity. That's always a good thing.


I thought it was good. I've seen worse films just this week.
