MovieChat Forums > Freaked (1994) Discussion > When did you first watch this?

When did you first watch this?

I first watched it when it was shown on Cinemax in October 1994. I was 11 at the time and it quickly became one of my favorite movies and I would try to catch it whenever it came on on cable.


Way back in '93 when I was six years old.

Still remains as one of my most top favorite comedies ever made.

Me Likey The Poom Poom


I first saw it when it aired on HBO(I think they are affiliated with Cinemax) around then(1994). I was 13. My and two younger sisters loved it and we still do.


Same here i was 12 in early 94 when i rented this movie on video and i loved it, i even taped it off HBO and has became a personal fave comedy of mine.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker on Batman TAS


the first time I seen it was late one night when FMC used to show it

Mentok The MILF Spunker


Rented it around 93/94. Can't quite remember when, but we somehow knew about
it (must've seen a trailer for it tied to another movie?) and at the time
i was a huge Bill and Ted fan, so figured what the heck?

This wound up being one of those movies that we rented again and again, before
finally copying it.

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple..."


Also around that time. '94, maybe '95. I was sick with the flu and my aunt taped it off Cinemax. She told me I'd love it but I kept putting it off. It wasn't until I was home with nothing to do that I finally decided to put it on. She was right. Fell in love with some Freaked.


I didn't see it until about 2 or 3 years ago. I actually saw the comic book adaptation first, and after reading that, I knew I had to see the movie it was based off of.
