MovieChat Forums > Forrest Gump (1994) Discussion > Can't believe the movie that brought us ...

Can't believe the movie that brought us the chocolate box quote is 13th

Lol. The top 250 really is quite meaningless isn't it, I haven't much enjoyed any of the films I've found through it :/


I think you're the one looking for meaning, looking at your history. Ja'mie: Private School Girl (2013)? It might be funny, it might be clever but I don't think you respect the good qualities in all films and Forrest Gump is not regarded as lowest common denominator despite being easily enjoyed by all.
There are all kinds of serious essays on Forrest Gump. The character is what might be disparagingly called 'an accidental hero'. In fact, it's a worthy kind of successor to the 1980 film Being There starring Peter Sellars. There is nothing accidental about why they have the lives they do other than the accident of where and when they are born. They may have naivete but they are not stupid.


Do you always talk so much sh-t? Looking at your history... oh my god you really do


Why are you so rude? Are you the unhelpful archetype of the rude American perhaps? Some Americans are so polite that the rude ones appear a disgrace by comparison. What do you even mean by 'talk so much sh-t'? If you disagree with something, say what it is but bear in mind that your diseased mind (I don't mean that as an insult- I mean that it must be to attack like you do) is still only picking out what you choose to. If you're not verbose, then don't make out people are talking *beep* just because your mind can't handle it you tiny, tiny person.


What are you like in real life? Somehow saying I have a diseased mind is okay because you don't MEAN it as an insult, but I'm a tiny tiny person for not wanting to engage in your strange reply where you go off on a nonsensical tangent. Just for starters I haven't even given ja'mie private school girl a rating because I haven't seen it. My op was really not that serious, I don't know why you took it to be. I watched Forrest Gump, didn't like it, couldn't believe it was 13th and I made a silly post about the top 250 being meaningless which it definitely is. The way you write is very rambling and you seem to leave out a lot of what's going on inside your head so it's not so much that my mind can't handle 'it' (whatever 'it' is...), more that SURPRISE I can't decipher the inner workings of your mind. So yeah you do talk a lot of sh-t.

Oh no just wrote this out before thinking... are you a very complex and boring troll?


As long as they allow 13 year old kids to vote it will be a joke. I mean The Dark Knight Rises gets an 8.5.

Green Goblin is great!


 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
