MovieChat Forums > The Flintstones (1994) Discussion > too much set design, not enough tomfoole...

too much set design, not enough tomfoolery

What would have been the ultimate Flinstones movie? Have Oliver Stone shoot it in the style he shot the Malory Family scenes from "Natural Born Killers," and cast James Gandolfini in a bushy black wig as Fred, and this time put Halley Berry in the Betty Ruble role (give Rosie O'donnel halle's Secretary role this time around, it just makes sense). Also, the plot should be less of a "movie" conflict-shtick plot and more like the featherbrain antic plot of an extended cartoon, with an emphasis on the antics (someone who doesn't know the difference between a conflict and an antic should not make a cartoon film, or else you just wind up with a film loosely based on a cartoon). Also, stop-motion dinosaurs would me much welcomed (or maybe puppets along the lines of the Dinosaurs tv-show). I don't exactly remember how they rendered the dinosaurs in this version but I feel like it was really gimmicky and short-lived. Any thoughts?
