
Why do they keep remaking animated films/tv series as live action movies? They're always, without fail crap. The original cartoon series provided all the Bedrock entertainment we'd ever need, why the pathetic film?


The film was good you jerk.



As much as I usually hate real-life versions of cartoons, this movie did quite a nice job, though it started slipping a bit in the last one third of the movie.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!



To answer the first poster's question: They keep remaking famous TV series as movies because most of the money spent on a film goes toward marketing, i.e. TV and newspaper advertising. This is always easier if the characters or premise of the movie have already been tested on audiences and proven to be memorable over the long term. It's a shame that most TV shows of this sort have been those that appeal to the lowest common denominator, such as the Flintstones, but that gives you an insight into how undiscerning audiences are; they'd rather take the familiar, even if it sucks, over something new.

A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.
- Ralph Nader


Bah it could have been far worse.
I've loved tht movie since I was 5 now and I don't think it's crap.

Peas In A Pod
Screws Fall All The Time The World's An Imperfect Place
Damaged Roses
