Surprisingly good.

And faithful to the series. Good acting and alot of stylistic cartoony stuff which worked well.

Why not more popular ? Did people avoid this movie thinking it would be an unbearable piece of unfaithful garbage like I thought it would have been before I saw it ?


Halle Berry was hot in it, too.... :)



I think this film has aged fairly well, I was actually surprised to see it had such a low rating on IMDB. I think it deserves at least a 5.8

.. I am, in a word, terse.


IMDB is a b'tch when it comes to rating comedies, go ahead and look at an acclaimed comedy like Ace Ventura. What did he get? 5.8? 5.6?

It's a mystery and a scandal.


Ace Veutura: Pet Detective and it's sequel Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls are both rated at 6.9 and 6.3 respectively.


I loved this movie when I was a kid and I still love it now!
