
I would probably have to say this movie had more nudity than any other zombie or low budget horror flick of the time, or even since. Anyone know of any that had more? However, I didn't really mind it as a kid watching it when my older cousin rented it and i snuck in to watch! Haha


Hardly the most.

Not even close actually. Ever watch Italian horror from the 70s and 80s? Strip Nude for Your Killer has a lot more nudity.

The phone is dead. Do you hear that, Vitus? Even the phone is dead.


I don't agree with it having the most, but the nudity is definitely gratuitous. There's an entire scene where a woman undresses, gets a shower, gets covered back up, and nothing even happens! It has no relevance to the story at all.

Last Movies Seen
Theater: Saw V (8/10)
DVD: The Frighteners (8/10)


yea but then we get to see her a naked zombie!!



Watch a movie called "Lifeforce." It's not a zombie horror flick, but the beautful lead actress spends the whole movie walking around totally nude.


One of the many things that I thought was pretty funny about this movie was the chick in the shower. Looking at her I thought I was watching a 70's horror movie, come on was 1988 they had bikini wax then...


Ain't nothing wrong with a little hair, dude.
